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mpm install-doc

(Linux, Windows, Mac) Install documentation from operating system command line

Using mpm install-doc at the operating system command line requires MATLAB® Package Manager. See Get MATLAB Package Manager.

If you instead want to manage packages within MATLAB, see Package Management (MATLAB).


mpm install-doc --matlabroot=</full/path/to/matlabroot> --source=</full/path/to/source> installs documentation for the MATLAB installation at <full/path/to/matlabroot> from the documentation ISO (Linux® and Windows®) or DMG (Mac) image mounted at </full/path/to/source>. Run this command from the operating system command line.

By default, MATLAB accesses documentation from the web. Use mpm install-doc to install the documentation on computers that are permanently offline. To install documentation on computers that are only temporarily offline, follow the procedure in Install Documentation for Temporary Offline Use.


mpm install-doc --matlabroot=</full/path/to/matlabroot> installs the documentation by calling the mpm executable included in mounted documentation ISO or DMG images. Use this syntax when installing the documentation using the procedure described in Install Documentation on Permanently Offline Computers.

mpm install-doc ... --destination=</full/path/to/destination> sets the documentation installation folder to </full/path/to/destination>, using either of the previous syntaxes.



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Install the documentation from a mounted ISO or DMG image into an existing MATLAB installation, using the default folder.

Download and mount the ISO or DMG image that contains the documentation.

  1. Go to the topic Install Documentation on Permanently Offline Computers.

  2. From the Operating Systems list, select the operating system of the target computer.

  3. Click Download documentation to download the documentation ISO or DMG image.

  4. Mount the download documentation ISO or DMG image using the standard process for your operating system. For help with mounting the image, see the support article How do I install MathWorks products using an ISO or DMG image?

Install the documentation using mpm install-doc.

  • In the --matlabroot option, specify the path to the MATLAB installation folder.

  • In the --source option, specify the path to the mounted ISO or DMG image.

Linux or Mac:

./mpm install-doc --matlabroot=/path/to/install/folder --source=/path/to/mounted/image

Windows (run as administrator):

.\mpm.exe install-doc --matlabroot="\path\to\install\folder" --source="\path\to\mounted\image"

By default, mpm installs the documentation to the support package root folder of the MATLAB installation. This folder is the location returned by the MATLAB function matlabshared.supportpkg.getSupportPackageRoot (MATLAB).

Install the documentation from a mounted ISO or DMG image into an existing MATLAB installation, and specify the installation folder.

Download and mount the ISO or DMG image that contains the documentation.

  1. Go to the topic Install Documentation on Permanently Offline Computers.

  2. From the Operating Systems list, select the operating system of the target computer.

  3. Click Download documentation to download the documentation ISO or DMG image.

  4. Mount the download documentation ISO or DMG image using the standard process for your operating system. For help with mounting the image, see the support article How do I install MathWorks products using an ISO or DMG image?

Install the documentation using mpm install-doc.

  • In the --matlabroot option, specify the path to the MATLAB installation folder.

  • In the --source option, specify the path to the mounted ISO or DMG image.

  • In the --destination option, specify the folder for the documentation installation.

Linux or Mac:

./mpm install-doc --matlabroot=/path/to/install/folder --source=/path/to/mounted/image --destination=/path/to/doc

Windows (run as administrator):

.\mpm.exe install-doc --matlabroot="\path\to\install\folder" --source="\path\to\mounted\image" --destination="\path\to\doc"

Update the documentation root folder by running MATLAB from the operating system command line.

Linux or Mac:

<matlabroot>/bin/matlab -c <license> -batch "matlabshared.supportpkg.setSupportPackageRoot('<destination>')"

Windows (run as administrator):

<matlabroot>\bin\matlab -c <license> -batch "matlabshared.supportpkg.setSupportPackageRoot('<destination>')"

  • <matlabroot> is the MATLAB installation folder you specified in the --matlabroot option.

  • <license> is the license in use for the MATLAB installation, such as a license file or port@host entry that points to a license server.

  • <destination> is the documentation destination folder you specified in the --destination option.

Input Arguments

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MATLAB installation folder, specified as the absolute folder path to a valid MATLAB installation.

Example: --matlabroot="C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b"

Example: --matlabroot=/Applications/

Example: --matlabroot=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b

Documentation source, specified as the absolute path to a mounted documentation ISO or DMG image.

To download a documentation ISO or DMG image, see Install Documentation on Permanently Offline Computers. To mount the image, see the support article How do I install MathWorks products using an ISO or DMG image?

Destination folder for the documentation, specified as an absolute folder path.

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