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VISA Interface

Communicate with instruments that support the VISA standard

You can use the VISA interface with a variety of types of interfaces, such as TCP/IP, USB, GPIB, and others. You create a visadev object using arguments that determine the type of interface you are communicating over. For example, for a VISA-GPIB object, the visadev function takes a VISA resource string that includes the board index and address.


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visadevlistList available VISA resources (Since R2021a)
visadevCreate connection to device using VISA (Since R2021a)
configureTerminatorSet terminator for ASCII string communication with VISA resource (Since R2021a)
visastatusCheck status of VISA resource (Since R2021a)
visatriggerSend trigger to GPIB or VXI instruments (Since R2021a)
visadevfindFind VISA device connections (Since R2024a)
readRead data from VISA resource (Since R2021a)
readlineRead line of ASCII string data from VISA resource (Since R2021a)
readbinblockRead one binblock of data from VISA resource (Since R2021a)
writeWrite data to VISA resource (Since R2021a)
writelineWrite line of ASCII data to VISA resource (Since R2021a)
writebinblockWrite one binblock of data to VISA resource (Since R2021a)
writereadWrite command to VISA resource and read response (Since R2021a)
flushClear buffers for communication with VISA resource (Since R2021a)
setDTRSet serial DTR pin
setRTSSet serial RTS pin
getpinstatusGet serial pin status


visadev PropertiesAccess VISA resource properties (Since R2021a)


VISA ExplorerConnect to and communicate with instruments over VISA (Since R2022b)


VISACommunicate with VISA resources (Since R2023b)


Connect to and Configure VISA Interfaces

Communicate with VISA Resource


Troubleshooting VISA Interface

Troubleshoot the VISA interface.

Resolve VISA Connection Errors

Troubleshoot connecting to a device using VISA.

Resolve VISA Warning: Unable to Read Any Data

Troubleshoot when you receive some data and you get the warning message: 'visadev' unable to read any data.

Resolve VISA Warning: Unable to Read All Data

Troubleshoot when you receive some data and you get the warning message: 'visadev' unable to read all requested data.

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