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Size of subframe resource array


d = lteResourceGridSize(cfg) returns a three-element row vector of dimension lengths for the resource array generated from the settings structure, cfg. To get the dimension lengths specifically for a downlink or uplink resource array, use the function lteDLResourceGridSize or lteULResourceGridSize respectively. For more information on the resource grid and the multidimensional array used to represent the resource elements for one subframe across all configured antenna ports, see Represent Resource Grids.


d = lteResourceGridSize(cfg,p) returns a three-element row vector, where p directly specifies the number of antenna planes in the array.



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Get the downlink subframe resource array size from a downlink configuration structure. Then, use the returned vector to directly create a MATLAB® array.

cfgdl = struct('NDLRB',6,'CellRefP',2,'CyclicPrefix','Normal');
griddl = zeros(lteResourceGridSize(cfgdl));
ans = 1×3

    72    14     2

The output grid, griddl, is a resource array. This resource array could be obtained in a similar manner using the lteResourceGrid function.

Configure UE-specific settings.

cfgul = struct(NULRB=6,NTxAnts=2,CyclicPrefixUL="Normal");

Get the uplink subframe resource array size.

d = lteResourceGridSize(cfgul);

Generate an uplink resource array of the appropriate size.

gridul = zeros(d);

Configure UE-specific settings.

ue = struct(NULRB=25,CyclicPrefixUL="Normal");

Get the uplink subframe resource array size for the specified configuration and four antenna planes.

p = 4;
d = lteResourceGridSize(ue,p);

Create a resource array of the appropriate size.

gridul = zeros(d);

Input Arguments

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Configuration settings, specified as a scalar structure. To create a downlink resource array, cfg must contain the NDLRB and CellRefP fields. To create an uplink resource array, cfg must contain the NULRB field. If both NDLRB and NULRB fields are defined, the presence of the field NDLRB takes precedence over the field NULRB.

For the downlink, these fields are applicable.

Parameter FieldRequired or OptionalValuesDescription

Scalar integer from 6 to 110

Number of downlink resource blocks (NRBDL)


1, 2, 4

Number of cell-specific reference signal (CRS) antenna ports


'Normal' (default), 'Extended'

Cyclic prefix length

For the uplink, these fields are applicable.

Parameter FieldRequired or OptionalValuesDescription
NULRBRequiredscalar integer from 6 to 110

Number of uplink resource blocks. (NRBUL)


'Normal' (default), 'Extended'

Current cyclic prefix length


1 (default), 2, 4

Number of transmission antennas.

Number of antenna planes, specified as a positive scalar integer.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Dimension lengths, returned as a three-element row vector [N M P]. N is the number of subcarriers (12×NULRB). M is the number of OFDM or SC-FDMA symbols in a subframe, 14 for normal cyclic prefix and 12 for extended cyclic prefix. P is the number of transmit antenna ports, cfg.CellRefP in the downlink and cfg.NTxAnts in the uplink.

Data Types: double

Version History

Introduced in R2014a

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