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Web Map Service map request


A WMSMapRequest object contains a request to a WMS server to obtain a map, which represents geographic information. The WMS server renders the map as a color or grayscale image. The object contains properties that you can set to control the geographic extent, rendering, or size of the requested map.



mapRequest = WMSMapRequest(layer) creates a WMSMapRequest object, setting the Layer property. The WMSMapRequest object updates the properties of Layer, if necessary.


mapRequest = WMSMapRequest(layer,server) creates a WMSMapRequest object, setting the Layer and Server properties. The ServerURL property of layer must match the ServerURL property of server. The Server object updates Layer properties.


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Web map server, specified as a scalar WebMapServer object. If a server is not supplied as an argument when creating the WMSMapRequest, the value of Server is set to the ServerURL of Layer.

Web Map Service layers, specified as an array of WMSLayer objects.

Layer contains one unique ServerURL, which must match the ServerURL property of Server. The Server property updates the properties of Layer when the property is set.

Coordinate reference system code, specified as the character vector 'CRS:84' for WMS version 1.3.x, and 'EPSG:4326' for all other versions.

  • If 'EPSG:4326' is not found in Layer.CoordRefSysCodes, then the CoordRefSysCode value is set from the first CoordRefSysCode found in the Layer.Details.BoundingBox structure array.

  • When CoordRefSysCode is set to 'EPSG:4326' or 'CRS:84', the XLim and YLim properties are set to [] and the Latlim and Lonlim properties are set to the geographic extent defined by the Layer array.

  • When CoordRefSysCode is set to a value other than 'EPSG:4326' or 'CRS:84', then the XLim and YLim properties are set from the values found in the Layer.Details.BoundingBox structure and the Latlim and Lonlim properties are set to [].

  • Automatic projections are not supported. (Automatic projections begin with 'AUTO'.)

Data Types: char

Map or geographic raster reference, specified as a MapCellsReference or GeographicCellsReference object. RasterReference references the raster map to an intrinsic coordinate system

Latitude limits, specified as a two-element vector. Latlim contains the southern and northern latitudinal limits of the request in units of degrees. The limits must be ascending. By default, the latitude limits span all latitudinal limits found in the Layer.Latlim property.

Longitude limits, specified as a two-element vector. Lonlim contains the western and eastern longitudinal limits of the request in units of degrees. The limits must be ascending and in the range [-180, 180] or [0, 360]. By default, the longitude limits span all longitudinal limits found in the Layer.Lonlim property.

Western and eastern limits of the requested map in the units of the coordinate reference system, specified as a two-element vector. The limits must be ascending. You can set XLim only if you set CoordRefSysCode to a value other than EPSG:4326.

Southern and northern limits of the requested map in the units of the coordinate reference system, specified as a two-element vector. The limits must be ascending. You can set YLim only if you set CoordRefSysCode to a value other than EPSG:4326.

Height in pixels for the requested raster map, specified as a positive integer. The property MaximumHeight defines the maximum value for ImageHeight. The WMSMapRequest object initializes the ImageHeight property to either 512 or to an integer value that best preserves the aspect ratio of the coordinate limits, without changing the coordinate limits.

Width in pixels for the requested raster map, specified as a positive integer. The property MaximumWidth defines the maximum value for ImageWidth. The WMSMapRequest object initializes the ImageWidth property to either 512 or to an integer value that best preserves the aspect ratio of the coordinate limits, without changing the coordinate limits.

This property is read-only.

Maximum height in pixels for the requested map, specified as the number 8192.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Maximum width in pixels for the requested map, specified as the number 8192.

Data Types: double

Elevation extent of the requested map, specified as a character vector. When you set the property, 'elevation' must be the value of the Layer.Details.Dimension.Name field.

Time extent of the requested map, specified as a numeric scalar, a string scalar, or a character vector. This property stores time using the ISO® 8601:1988(E) extended format.

  • When you specify a numeric scalar, the Time property interprets the input as a serial date number, which represents the whole and fractional number of days from January 0, 0000. For example, to set the time extent of a WMS map request object, mapRequest, as 731885.75 days after January 0, 0000, use mapRequest.Time = 731885.75. MATLAB® stores numeric scalar input in Time using a character vector in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.

  • When you specify a string scalar or character vector, the Time property interprets the input as a date and time. For example, to set the time extent of a WMS map request object, mapRequest, to March 17, 2022, you can use mapRequest.Time = "03/17/22". Express hours, minutes, and seconds in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

    This table shows the string scalar and character vector inputs you can use to set the Time property and how the Time property stores the inputs.

    Input FormatInput Format ExampleStored FormatStored Format Example
    "mm-dd-yyyy HH:MM:SS""17-03-2022 14:45:02"'yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ''2022-03-17T14:45:02Z'


    yyyy is the current year



    yyyy, mm, and dd are the current year, month, and day, respectively

    "HH:MM:SS PM" "02:45:02 PM"


    yyyy, mm, and dd are the current year, month, and day, respectively



    yyyy, mm, and dd are the current year, month, and day, respectively

    "HH:MM PM""02:45 PM"


    yyyy, mm, and dd are the current year, month, and day, respectively

    "mmm.dd,yyyy HH:MM:SS""Mar.07,2022 02:45:02"'mmm.dd,yyyy HH:MM:SS''Mar.07,2022 02:45:02'


    "mm/dd/yyyy ""03/17/2022"'yyyy-mm-dd''2022-03-17'
    "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS""2022-03-17 14:45:02"'yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ''2022-03-17T14:45:02Z'
    "current" indicates the most current data available on the server. Not all servers support this input."current"'current''current'
    "Byyyy" indicates a year BCE"B1000" indicates 1000 BCE'Byyyy''B1000'
    "Kx" indicates x thousand years in the distant past"K10" indicates 10,000 years in the past'Kx''K10'
    "Mx" indicates x million years in the distant past"M9" indicates 9 million years in the past'Mx''M9'
    "Gx" indicates x billion years in the distant past"G3"indicates 3 billion years in the past'Gx''G3'

To use this property, the dimension name of the layer must be 'time'. You can query the dimension name of a layer by accessing the structure array in its Details property, specifying the Dimension field, and, within the Dimension structure array, specifying the Name field. For example, given a layer layer, specify layer.Details.Dimension.Name.

Data Types: double | char | string

Name and value of a sample dimension, specified as a two-element cell array of character vectors. The name cannot be 'time' or 'elevation'. SampleDimension{1} must be the value of the Layer.Details.Dimension.Name field.

Flag indicating transparency of map background, specified as a logical scalar. When you set Transparent to true, the server sets all pixels not representing features or data values in that layer to a transparent value, producing a composite map. When you set Transparent to false, the server sets all non-data pixels to the value of the background color.

Data Types: logical

Color of the background (non-data) pixels of the map, specified as a three-element numeric vector. The values range from 0 to 255. The default value, [255,255,255], specifies the background color as white. You can set BackgroundColor using non-uint8 numeric values, but they are cast and stored as uint8.

Data Types: uint8

Style to use when rendering the image, specified as a character vector or cell array of character vectors. The StyleName must be a valid entry in the Layer.Details.Style.Name field. The cell array of character vectors contains the same number of elements as does Layer.

Desired image format used to render the map as an image, specified as a character vector. If set, the format must match an entry in the Layer.Details.ImageFormats cell array and an entry in the ImageRenderFormats property. If not set, the format defaults to a value in the ImageRenderFormats property.

This property is read-only.

Preferred image rendering formats when Transparent is set to false, specified as a cell array. The first entry is the most preferred image format. If the preferred format is not stored in the Layer property, then the next format from the list is selected, until a format is found. The ImageRenderFormats array is not used if the ImageFormat property is set.

This property is read-only.

Preferred image rendering formats when Transparent is set to true, specified as a cell array. The first entry is the most preferred image format. If the preferred format is not stored in the Layer property, then the next format from the list is selected, until a format is found. If a transparent image format is not found in the list, or if the ImageFormat property is set to a non-default value, then ImageFormat is unchanged.

Server URL for the WMS GetMap request, specified as a character vector. In general, ServerURL matches the ServerURL of the Layer. However, some WMS servers, such as the Microsoft® TerraServer, require a different URL for GetMap requests than for WMS GetCapabilities requests. By default, ServerURL is Layer(1).ServerURL.

Data Types: char

This property is read-only.

Full URL for the WMS GetMap request, specified as a character vector. It is composed of the ServerURL with additional WMS parameter/value pairs.

Object Functions

boundImageSize Bound size of raster map


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Create a web map server object that communicates with the WMS server provided by MathWorks®. Get the terrain elevation layer from the capabilities document.

serverURL = "";
server = WebMapServer(serverURL);
info = getCapabilities(server);
elevation = refine(info.Layer,"elevation");

Create a map request object for the layer.

  • Specify latitude and longitude limits for an area surrounding the Gulf of Maine.

  • Specify the sampling interval as 30 arc-seconds.

  • Calculate the image height and width by using the latitude limits, the longitude limits, and the sampling interval.

  • Request quantitative elevation data (rather than an image) by specifying the image format as BIL.

mapRequest = WMSMapRequest(elevation);
mapRequest.Latlim = [40 46];
mapRequest.Lonlim = [-71 -65];
samplingInterval = dms2degrees([0 0 30]);
mapRequest.ImageHeight = round(abs(diff(mapRequest.Latlim))/samplingInterval);
mapRequest.ImageWidth = round(abs(diff(mapRequest.Lonlim))/samplingInterval);
mapRequest.ImageFormat = "image/bil";

Read the terrain data from the server into the workspace as an array and a geographic raster reference object. Prepare the data for plotting by converting the data type to double. To make the water areas appear blue on the plot, set elevations at sea level (Z == 0) to a value below sea level.

Z = getMap(server,mapRequest.RequestURL);
R = mapRequest.RasterReference;
Z = double(Z);
Z(Z == 0) = -1;

Display the elevation data on a map and plot contour lines at sea level.


Customize the map by adding a title and subtitle, a colormap appropriate for elevation data, and a labeled color bar.

title("Gulf of Maine")
st = textwrap(string(mapRequest.Layer.LayerTitle),40);

c = colorbar;
c.Label.String = "Elevation (meters)";

Version History

Introduced in R2009b