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External Language Interfaces

External language and library interfaces, including Python, Java, C, C++, .NET, and Web services

MATLAB® provides a flexible, two-way integration with other programming languages, allowing you to reuse legacy code. To help you choose a MATLAB feature for your application, see Integrate MATLAB with External Programming Languages and Systems.


  • C++ with MATLAB
    Directly call C/C++ library functionality from MATLAB or write modern C++ programs that call MATLAB functions
  • Java with MATLAB
    Directly call Java® library functionality from MATLAB or write Java programs that work with MATLAB
  • Python with MATLAB
    Directly call Python® library functionality from MATLAB or write Python programs that work with MATLAB
  • .NET with MATLAB
    Directly call .NET library functionality from MATLAB or write .NET programs that work with MATLAB
  • COM with MATLAB
    Access COM components from MATLAB or write COM programs that work with MATLAB
  • Web Services with MATLAB
    Communicate with Web services from MATLAB using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) or WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
  • C with MATLAB
    Directly call C library functionality from MATLAB using calllib or write C programs that call MATLAB functions using mxArray to access or create MATLAB variables in C
  • Fortran with MATLAB
    Write Fortran subroutines that work with MATLAB
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