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Handle to running instance of Automation server


c = actxGetRunningServer(progid) gets a reference to a running instance of the OLE Automation server. Returns a handle to the default interface of the server.

If the server specified by progid is not currently running or if the server object is not registered, then the function returns an error. If multiple instances of the server are running, then the operating system controls the behavior of this function.



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c = actxGetRunningServer('Excel.Application');
list = fieldnames(c)

Input Arguments

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Programmatic identifier, specified as a string or a character vector. The server vendor documentation specifies the ProgID.

Example: 'Excel.Application'

Output Arguments

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COM object, returned as a function handle.


  • COM functions are available on Microsoft® Windows® systems only.

Version History

Introduced in R2007a

See Also

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