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Duration in days


D = days(X) returns an array of fixed-length days equivalent to the values in the input array.

  • If X is a numeric array, then D is a duration array in units of fixed-length days. A fixed-length day is equal to 24 hours.

  • If X is a duration array, then D is a double array with each element equal to the number of fixed-length (24-hour) days in the corresponding element of X.

The days function converts between duration and double values. To display a duration in units of days, set its Format property to 'd'.



collapse all

X = magic(2);
D = days(X)
D = 2x2 duration
    1 day   3 days
   4 days   2 days

Add each number of fixed-length days to the current date and time.

t = datetime('now') + D
t = 2x2 datetime
   24-Jan-2025 01:21:38   26-Jan-2025 01:21:38
   27-Jan-2025 01:21:38   25-Jan-2025 01:21:38

Create a duration array.

X = hours(23:20:95) + minutes(45)
X = 1x4 duration
   23.75 hr   43.75 hr   63.75 hr   83.75 hr

Convert each duration in X to a number of days.

D = days(X)
D = 1×4

    0.9896    1.8229    2.6562    3.4896

Input Arguments

collapse all

Input array, specified as a numeric array, duration array, or logical array.


  • days creates fixed-length (24 hour) days. To create days that account for Daylight Saving Time shifts when used in calendar calculations, use the caldays function.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

See Also


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