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Character to separate file name from local or nested function name


m = filemarker returns the character (> by default) used to separate the file name from the local or nested function name when referring to the function.



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Get the help text for the local function validateSizes defined in imwrite.m.

help(['imwrite' filemarker 'validateSizes'])
  How many bytes does each element occupy in memory?

You can also use the filemarker character with the same result.

  How many bytes does each element occupy in memory?

Set a breakpoint in a program at the first executable line of a local function and of a nested function.

Create a file, myfile.m, that contains these statements

function n = myfile(x)
n = myfunction(x);

    function z = myfunction2(x)
        z = x + 1;


function y = myfunction(x)
y = x + 1;

Set a breakpoint at the local function myfunction using the filemarker character.

dbstop in myfile>myfunction

Set a breakpoint at the nested function myfunction2 using the filemarker character.

dbstop in myfile>myfunction2

Extended Capabilities

Thread-Based Environment
Run code in the background using MATLAB® backgroundPool or accelerate code with Parallel Computing Toolbox™ ThreadPool.

Version History

Introduced in R2006a

See Also


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