Add new factory setting
s = addSetting(
adds the factory setting parentgroup
to the specified parent factory
group and returns the new setting as a FactorySetting
. By default, factory settings are hidden, which means
that they do not display in the parent settings group.
s = addSetting(___,
specifies the factory setting properties using one or more name-value pair
arguments. For example, Name,Value
creates a factory setting
that is visible in the factory settings tree. Specify name-value pairs after all
other input arguments.
Add New Factory Setting
Create the root factory group for the toolbox
and then add a new setting to the tree.
Create the root factory group mytoolbox
myToolboxFactoryTree = matlab.settings.FactoryGroup.createToolboxGroup('mytoolbox', ... 'Hidden',false);
Add the setting FontSize
and give it a default
fontSizeSetting = addSetting(myToolboxFactoryTree,'FontSize','FactoryValue',11,'Hidden',false);
Add Factory Setting with Validation Function
Create a setting and specify a function to validate its value.
First, create a validation function
that throws an error when the
input is not numeric.
function numericValidationFcn(x) errorMsg = 'Value must be numeric.'; assert(isnumeric(x),errorMsg); end
Create the root factory group mytoolbox
myToolboxFactoryTree = matlab.settings.FactoryGroup.createToolboxGroup('mytoolbox', ... 'Hidden',false);
Add the setting FontSize
and specify the validation
function numericValidationFcn
. MATLAB® throws an error whenever the setting is set to a nonnumeric
addSetting(myToolboxFactoryTree,'FontSize','FactoryValue',11,'Hidden',false, ... 'ValidationFcn',@numericValidationFcn);
Input Arguments
— Parent factory group
Parent factory group to add the setting to, specified as a FactoryGroup
object. Use the matlab.settings.FactoryGroup.createToolboxGroup
function to
create the root factory group object.
Example: addSetting(s.mytoolbox,'newSetting')
— Name of factory setting to add
character vector | string
Name of factory setting to add, specified as a character vector or string.
If the factory setting name
already exists in the
specified parent group, MATLAB displays an error.
Example: addGroup(parentGroup,'newSetting')
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: addSetting(parentGroup,'newGroup','Hidden',false)
creates a visible factory group.
— Factory value of setting
Factory value of setting, specified as MATLAB data of any type except for handle types. Data containers such as cell arrays, structs, and objects that include handles are also not supported. You must specify either a factory value or a factory value function for the setting, but not both.
— Function to set the setting factory value
function handle
Function to set the setting factory value, specified as a function handle. The factory value of the setting is set to the output of the specified function.
The function handle must point to a function on the MATLAB path. Anonymous or nested function handles are not supported.
You can specify either a factory value or a factory value function for the setting, but not both.
— Hidden state
(default) | false
Hidden state, specified as true
When set to true
, the factory setting does not
display in the Command Window or as part of tab completion, although it
remains accessible.
— Read-only state
(default) | true
Read-only state, specified as true
. When true
, the personal
or temporary value of the setting cannot be set.
— Function to validate setting value
function handle
Function to validate a setting value, specified as a function handle. When specified, the function validates the value of the factory setting.
The function handle must be associated with a function that accepts the potential setting value as an input argument, has no output arguments, and throws an error if the validation fails.
The function handle must point to a function on the MATLAB path. Anonymous or nested function handles are not supported.
Version History
Introduced in R2019b
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