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Class: matlab.uitest.TestCase
Namespace: matlab.uitest

Select option in frontmost dialog box in figure window

Since R2024b


chooseDialog(testCase,dialogType,fig,option) selects option in the frontmost nonblocking dialog box of the specified type in the figure window.


chooseDialog(testCase,dialogType,fig,fcn,option) makes a selection in the frontmost blocking dialog box of the specified type. Because the blocking dialog box prevents additional commands from running while it is open, it must be created as part of the method call by using the fcn function handle.

When you use this syntax, the method first creates a blocking dialog box by invoking the specified function handle. The method then closes the dialog box by selecting the specified option in the dialog box, which allows code execution to continue.


Input Arguments

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Test case, specified as a matlab.uitest.TestCase object.

Type of the dialog box to select an option in, specified as "uiconfirm", which corresponds to a confirmation dialog box created with the uiconfirm function. The dialog box is nonblocking if it is created by calling uiconfirm with no output. Otherwise, the dialog box is blocking.

Data Types: string | char

Target figure, specified as a matlab.ui.Figure object. The figure must be created with the uifigure function.

Dialog box option to select, specified as a string scalar, character vector, or positive integer scalar. You can use a string scalar or character vector to specify the button label for the option or a positive integer scalar to specify the index of the option.

Example: "Proceed"

Example: 1

Data Types: string | char | double | single | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Code that creates the blocking dialog box to select an option in, specified as a function handle. The function handle must create a blocking dialog box of type dialogType in the target figure fig.

Example: @() createBlockingDialog(fig)



To learn about attributes of methods, see Method Attributes.


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Programmatically select an option in a nonblocking confirmation dialog box in front of a figure.

Create a UI figure with a push button that creates a modal confirmation dialog box when clicked. To program the button behavior, specify its ButtonPushedFcn callback property. See the code of the callback function buttonCallback, which creates a confirmation dialog box, at the end of this example.

fig = uifigure;
b = uibutton(fig,Text="Close",ButtonPushedFcn=@buttonCallback);

Create a test case for interactive testing.

testCase = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse;

Test a press gesture on the button. The gesture executes the buttonCallback function, which creates a confirmation dialog box in the figure. The confirmation dialog box is nonblocking and lets you run additional commands while it is open.

Programmatically select the "Proceed" option in the dialog box by using the chooseDialog method. The dialog box closes. Due to the dialogCallback function that executes when the dialog box closes, the figure behind the dialog box also closes after the "Proceed" option is selected.


Callback Functions

This code shows the callback functions used in this example:

  • The buttonCallback function executes when the button in the figure is clicked. The function creates a confirmation dialog box in the figure and specifies the dialogCallback function as the dialog box CloseFcn callback.

  • The dialogCallback function executes when the dialog box closes. Selecting the "Proceed" option in the dialog box closes the figure. Selecting the "Cancel" option in the dialog box does not affect the figure.

function buttonCallback(src,~)
uiconfirm(src.Parent,"Close this figure?","Confirm Close", ...
    Icon="warning", ...
    Options=["Proceed" "Cancel"], ...

function dialogCallback(~,event)
switch event.SelectedOption
    case "Proceed"
    case "Cancel"

Programmatically select an option in a blocking confirmation dialog box in front of a figure.

Create a UI figure with a push button that creates a modal confirmation dialog box when clicked. To program the button behavior, specify its ButtonPushedFcn callback property. See the code of the callback function buttonCallback, which creates a confirmation dialog box, at the end of this example.

fig = uifigure;
b = uibutton(fig,Text="Close",ButtonPushedFcn=@buttonCallback);

Create a test case for interactive testing.

testCase = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse;

Testing a press gesture on the button executes the callback, which creates a blocking confirmation dialog box in the figure. Programmatically select the "Proceed" option in the dialog box by using the chooseDialog method. This code first creates the blocking dialog box by invoking the specified function handle, which presses the button in the figure. The method then closes the dialog box by selecting the "Proceed" option, which allows code execution to continue. Due to the callback function used in this example, the figure behind the dialog box also closes after the "Proceed" option is selected.


Callback Function

This code shows the callback function used in this example. The buttonCallback function executes when the button in the figure is clicked. The function creates a blocking confirmation dialog box in the figure. Selecting the "Proceed" option in the dialog box closes the figure. Selecting the "Cancel" option in the dialog box does not affect the figure.

function buttonCallback(src,~)
selection = uiconfirm(src.Parent,"Close this figure?","Confirm Close", ...
    Icon="warning", ...
    Options=["Proceed" "Cancel"]);

switch selection
    case "Proceed"
    case "Cancel"

Programmatically close a sequence of blocking confirmation dialog boxes using the chooseDialog and dismissDialog methods. To close the dialog boxes, first embed all the dialog box creation logic into a function handle, and then perform the final gesture using that function handle.

In a UI figure, create a push button that can result in a sequence of blocking dialog boxes when clicked. To program the button behavior, specify its ButtonPushedFcn callback property.

fig = uifigure;
b = uibutton(fig,Text="Close",ButtonPushedFcn=@buttonCallback);

This code shows the callback function used to create the dialog boxes. The buttonCallback function executes when the button in the figure is clicked. The function creates a blocking confirmation dialog box in the figure with "Proceed" and "Cancel" options:

  • Selecting the "Proceed" option in the dialog box creates another blocking confirmation dialog box through the reconfirm function.

  • Selecting the "Cancel" option in the dialog box does not affect the figure.

The reconfirm function executes when the "Proceed" option is selected in the original dialog box. The function creates another blocking confirmation dialog box in the figure with "Yes" and "No" options:

  • Selecting the "Yes" option in the dialog box closes the figure.

  • Selecting the "No" option in the dialog box does not affect the figure.

function buttonCallback(src,~)
selection = uiconfirm(src.Parent,"Close this figure?","Confirm Close", ...
    Icon="warning", ...
    Options=["Proceed" "Cancel"]);

switch selection
    case "Proceed"
        reconfirm(src)   % Display another dialog box to reconfirm
    case "Cancel"

function reconfirm(src)
selection = uiconfirm(src.Parent,"Are you sure?","Confirm Close", ...
    Icon="warning", ...
    Options=["Yes" "No"]);

switch selection
    case "Yes"
        close(src.Parent)   % Close the figure
    case "No"

To test the app, create a test case for interactive testing. You use this test case first to test a press gesture on the button, which executes the callback and creates a blocking confirmation dialog box in the figure. Then, you programmatically select the "Proceed" option in the dialog box by using the chooseDialog method and dismiss the resulting dialog box by using the dismissDialog method.

testCase = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse;

Because blocking dialog boxes prevent commands from running while they are open, you cannot call the press, chooseDialog, and dismissDialog methods independently. Instead, you must embed all the dialog box creation logic into a single function handle and then perform the final gesture using that function handle. In this code, fcn1 and fcn2, respectively, specify the code that must run for the first and second dialog boxes to be created. In particular, fcn2 represents all the dialog box creation logic in the test.

fcn1 = @();
fcn2 = @() testCase.chooseDialog("uiconfirm",fig,fcn1,"Proceed");

To programmatically close the expected dialog boxes, perform the final gesture using the dismissDialog method with the function handle fcn2 that includes all the dialog box creation logic. This call to the dismissDialog method results in these gestures:

  1. Press the button in the figure, which creates the first blocking dialog box.

  2. Select the "Proceed" option in the first blocking dialog box, which closes the dialog box and creates the second blocking dialog box.

  3. Close the second blocking dialog box by dismissing it.


Closing the blocking dialog boxes allows code execution to continue. For example, close the figure used for testing.


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Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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