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Interpolate poses along path segment


poses = interpolate(pathSeg) interpolates along the path segment at the transitions between motion types.

poses = interpolate(pathSeg,lengths) interpolates along the path segment at the specified lengths along the path. Transitions between motion types are always included.


[poses,directions] = interpolate(___) also returns the direction of motion along the path for each section as a vector of 1s (forward) and –1s (reverse) using the previous inputs.


collapse all

Create a dubinsConnection object.

dubConnObj = dubinsConnection;

Define start and goal poses as [x y theta] vectors.

startPose = [0 0 0];
goalPose = [1 1 pi];

Calculate a valid path segment to connect the poses.

[pathSegObj,pathCosts] = connect(dubConnObj,startPose,goalPose);

Show the generated path.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 12 objects of type line, scatter. These objects represent Path, Heading, Start Position, Goal Position.

Interpolate poses along the path. Get a pose every 0.2 meters, including the transitions between turns.

length = pathSegObj{1}.Length;
poses = interpolate(pathSegObj{1},0:0.2:length)
poses = 32×3

         0         0         0
    0.1987   -0.0199    6.0832
    0.3894   -0.0789    5.8832
    0.5646   -0.1747    5.6832
    0.7174   -0.3033    5.4832
    0.8309   -0.4436    5.3024
    0.8418   -0.4595    5.3216
    0.9718   -0.6110    5.5216
    1.1293   -0.7337    5.7216
    1.3081   -0.8226    5.9216

Use the quiver function to plot these poses.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type quiver.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Path segment, specified as a dubinsPathSegment or reedsSheppPathSegment object.

Lengths along path to interpolate at, specified as a positive numeric vector. For example, specify [0:0.1:pathSegObj{1}.Length] to interpolate at every 0.1 meters along the path. Transitions between motion types are always included.

Output Arguments

collapse all

This property is read-only.

Interpolated poses along the path segment, specified as an [x, y, Θ] matrix. Each row of the matrix corresponds to a different interpolated pose along the path.

x and y are in meters. Θ is in radians.

Directions of motion for each segment of the interpolated path, specified as a vector of 1s (forward) and –1s (reverse).

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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