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Prior factor for IMU bias

Since R2022a


The factorIMUBiasPrior object is a factor that has prior information for an IMU bias for a factorGraph object.



F = factorIMUBiasPrior(nodeID) creates a factorIMUBiasPrior object, F, with the node identification numbers property NodeID set to nodeID


F = factorIMUBiasPrior(nodeID,Name=Value) specifies properties using one or more name-value arguments. For example, factorIMUBiasPrior(1,Measurement=[1 2 3 1 2 3]) sets the Measurement property of the factorIMUBiasPrior object to [1 2 3 1 2 3].


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This property is read-only.

Node ID numbers, specified as an N-element vector of nonnegative integers, where N is the total number of desired factors. Each element represents a factor that connects to a node of type IMU_BIAS in the factor graph using the specified node ID.

If a factor in the factorIMUBiasPrior object specifies ID that does not correspond to a node in the factor graph, the factor graph automatically creates an IMU_BIAS type node with that ID and adds it to the factor graph when adding the factor to the factor graph.

You must specify this property at object creation.

For more information about the expected node types of all supported factors, see Expected Node Types of Factor Objects.

Measured prior IMU bias, specified as an N-by-6 matrix where each row is in the form [GyroBias, AccelBias]. N is the total number of factors, and GyroBias and AccelBias are three-element row vectors of the gyroscope bias and acceleration bias in radians per second and meters per second, respectively.

Information matrices associated with the measurements, specified as a 6-by-6 matrix or a 6-by-6-by-N array. N is the total number of factors specified by the factorIMUBiasPrior object. Each information matrix corresponds to the measurements of the corresponding node in NodeID.

If you specify this property as a 6-by-6 matrix when NodeID contains more than one element, the information matrix corresponds to all measurements in Measurement.

Object Functions

nodeTypeGet node type of node in factor graph


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Create an IMU bias prior factor with a node ID of 1.

f = factorIMUBiasPrior(1);

Create a default factor graph and add the factor to the graph using the addFactor function.

g = factorGraph;

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Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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