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Find IDs of links

Since R2023a


    linkIDS = findlink(graph,statePairs) finds the link IDs linkIDS of the state pairs statePairs, if they exist in the navGraph object graph.



    collapse all

    Load data for states and links.

    load navGraphData.mat

    Create state and link tables.

    stateTable = table(data.states,data.names,data.numLanes, ...
    linkTable = table(data.links,data.linkWt,data.curvature, ...

    Create a navGraph object from the state and link tables.

    graphObj = navGraph(stateTable,linkTable);

    Create a deep copy of the navGraph object.

    graph2 = copy(graphObj)
    graph2 = 
      navGraph with properties:
               States: [8x3 table]
                Links: [7x3 table]
        LinkWeightFcn: @nav.algs.distanceEuclidean

    Visualize the navGraph object.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type graphplot.

    Find the link IDs of two state pairs. The function returns the link ID for the state pair ["G","A"]. However, it returns 0 as the link ID for the state pair ["C","D"] as the link does not exist in the navGraph object.

    linkIDS = findlink(navGraphObj,["G","A"; "C","D"])
    linkIDS = 2×1

    Input Arguments

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    Graph object, specified as a navGraph object.

    State pairs, specified as pairs of state names or pairs of state IDs.

    Specify the pairs of state names as an N-by-2 string array or N-by-2 cell array of character vectors. Specify the pairs of state IDs as an N-by-2 matrix of positive integers. N is the number of state pairs specified.

    Data Types: single | double | cell | char | string

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Link IDs, returned as a column vector of positive integers. When the function does not find a specified state pair, the value for the corresponding element in linkIDS is 0.

    Data Types: double

    Extended Capabilities

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023a

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