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Create deep copy of MPNet path planner object

Since R2024a


    plannerCopy = copy(planner) creates a deep copy of the MPNet planner object with the same properties.



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    Load Pretrained MPNet

    Load a data file containing a pretrained MPNet into the MATLAB® workspace. The MPNet has been trained on various 2-D maze maps with widths and heights of 10 meters and resolutions of 2.5 cells per meter. Each maze map contains a passage width of 5 grid cells and wall thickness of 1 grid cell.

    data = load("mazeMapTrainedMPNET.mat")
    data = struct with fields:
          encodingSize: [9 9]
           lossWeights: [100 100 0]
            mazeParams: {[5]  [1]  'MapSize'  [10 10]  'MapResolution'  [2.5000]}
           stateBounds: [3x2 double]
        trainedNetwork: [1x1 dlnetwork]

    Set the seed value to generate repeatable results.


    Create Maze Map for Motion Planning

    Create a random maze map for motion planning. The grid size (MapSize×MapResolution) must be same as that of the maps used for training the MPNet.

    map = mapMaze(5,1,MapSize=[12 12],MapResolution=2.0833);

    Create State Validator

    Create a state validator object to use for motion planning.

    stateSpace = stateSpaceSE2(data.stateBounds);
    stateValidator = validatorOccupancyMap(stateSpace,Map=map);
    stateValidator.ValidationDistance = 0.1;

    Select Start and Goal States

    Select a start and goal state by using the sampleStartGoal function.

    [startStates,goalStates] = sampleStartGoal(stateValidator,500);

    Compute distance between the generated start and goal states.

    stateDistance= distance(stateSpace,startStates,goalStates);

    Select two states that are farthest from each other as the start and goal for motion planning.

    [dist,index] = max(stateDistance);
    start = startStates(index,:);
    goal = goalStates(index,:);

    Create MPNet Path Planner

    Configure the mpnetSE2 object to use the pretrained MPNet for path planning. Set the EncodingSize property values of the mpnetSE2 object to that of the value used for training the network.

    mpnet = mpnetSE2(Network=data.trainedNetwork,StateBounds=data.stateBounds,EncodingSize=data.encodingSize);

    Create MPNet path planner using the state validator and the pretrained MPNet. Plan a path between the select start and goal states using the MPNet path planner.

    planner{1} = plannerMPNET(stateValidator,mpnet);
    [pathObj1,solutionInfo1] = plan(planner{1},start,goal)
    pathObj1 = 
      navPath with properties:
          StateSpace: [1x1 stateSpaceSE2]
              States: [6x3 double]
           NumStates: 6
        MaxNumStates: Inf
    solutionInfo1 = struct with fields:
            IsPathFound: 1
          LearnedStates: [50x3 double]
           BeaconStates: [2x3 double]
        ClassicalStates: [20x3 double]

    Create Copy of MPNet Path Planner

    Create a copy of the first instance of the MPNet path planner.

    planner{2} = copy(planner{1});

    Modify Classical Path Planning Approach

    Specify bi-directional RRT (Bi-RRT) planner as the classical path planning approach for MPNet path planner. Set the maximum connection distance value to 1.

    classicalPlanner = plannerBiRRT(stateSpace,stateValidator,MaxConnectionDistance=1);
    planner{2}.ClassicalPlannerFcn = @classicalPlanner.plan;

    Plan a path between the select start and goal states using the modified MPNet path planner.

    [pathObj2,solutionInfo2] = plan(planner{2},start,goal)
    pathObj2 = 
      navPath with properties:
          StateSpace: [1x1 stateSpaceSE2]
              States: [5x3 double]
           NumStates: 5
        MaxNumStates: Inf
    solutionInfo2 = struct with fields:
            IsPathFound: 1
          LearnedStates: [50x3 double]
           BeaconStates: [2x3 double]
        ClassicalStates: [7x3 double]

    Visualize Results

    Set the line and marker properties to display the start and goal states by using the plannerLineSpec.start and plannerLineSpec.goal functions, respectively.

    sstate = plannerLineSpec.start(DisplayName="Start state",MarkerSize=6);
    gstate = plannerLineSpec.goal(DisplayName="Goal state",MarkerSize=6);

    Set the line and marker properties to display the computed by using the plannerLineSpec.path function.

    ppath1 = plannerLineSpec.path(LineWidth=1,Marker="o",MarkerSize=8,MarkerFaceColor="white",DisplayName="Path computed using RRT* for classical path planning");
    ppath2 = plannerLineSpec.path(LineWidth=1,Marker="o",MarkerSize=8,MarkerFaceColor="red",DisplayName="Path computed using Bi-RRT for classical path planning");

    Plot the computed paths. You can infer that the MPNet path planner offers better results when you use Bi-RRT path planner for classical path planning.

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    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Binary Occupancy Grid, xlabel X [meters], ylabel Y [meters] contains 5 objects of type image, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Path computed using RRT* for classical path planning, Path computed using Bi-RRT for classical path planning, Start state, Goal state.

    Input Arguments

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    Path planner, specified as a plannerMPNET object.

    Output Arguments

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    Copy of path planner, returned as a plannerMPNET object.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

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