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Uniform state sampler for sampling-based motion planning

Since R2023b


    The stateSamplerUniform object generates uniformly distributed state samples using the sampleUniform object function of the state space object. Path planners like plannerRRT, plannerRRTStar, and plannerBiRRT use stateSamplerUniform object as the default sampler.



    sampler = stateSamplerUniform creates a state sampler associated with a stateSpaceSE2 object with default settings.


    sampler = stateSamplerUniform(stateSpace) creates a state sampler associated with the specified state space object. The sampler supports all state space objects derived using the nav.StateSpace class.



    expand all

    State space definition, specified as a stateSpaceSE2 object or an object of a subclass of the nav.StateSpace class.

    Object Functions

    sampleSample states from uniform state sampler
    copyCreate deep copy of uniform state sampler object


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    Use Default State Space as Input

    Create a uniform state sampler with default properties. By default, the sampler uses the SE(2) state space as the configuration space for motion planning. The limits of the state variables [x, y, theta] in the default state space are [-100 100; -100 100; -3.1416 3.1416]. The values of x and y are in meters. theta is in radians.

    sampler = stateSamplerUniform;

    Check the bounds of the input state space.

    bounds = sampler.StateSpace.StateBounds
    bounds = 3×2
     -100.0000  100.0000
     -100.0000  100.0000
       -3.1416    3.1416

    Sample the input state space. Set the number of samples to select as 10.

    states = sample(sampler,10);

    Check the sampled state variables.

       62.9447   81.1584   -2.3437
       82.6752   26.4718   -2.5287
      -44.3004    9.3763    2.8746
       92.9777  -68.4774    2.9568
       91.4334   -2.9249    1.8867
      -71.6227  -15.6477    2.6121
       58.4415   91.8985    0.9785
      -92.8577   69.8259    2.7269
       35.7470   51.5480    1.5276
      -21.5546   31.0956   -2.0660

    Use Custom State Space as Input

    Define a custom SE(2) state space by specifying the limits of the state variables [x, y, theta]. The values of x and y are in meters. theta is in radians.

    ss = stateSpaceSE2([-1 1; -2 2; -pi/2 pi/2]);

    Create a uniform state sampler with the custom state space as input.

    sampler = stateSamplerUniform(ss);

    Sample the input state space. Set the number of samples to select as 10.

    states = sample(sampler,10);

    Check the sampled state variables.

        0.4121   -1.8727   -0.7008
       -0.9077   -1.6115    1.0162
        0.3897   -0.7316    1.4144
       -0.9311   -0.2450   -0.3721
        0.5310    1.1808   -0.9837
       -0.0205   -0.2177    0.4597
        0.4187    1.0187   -0.7036
        0.3594    0.6204   -1.0599
       -0.7620   -0.0065    1.4443
       -0.3192    0.3411   -0.8677

    Sample a state space for motion planning by using uniform distribution, and then use the sampled states to find an optimal path between two points in the input state space. Use an RRT path planner to compute an optimal path between the two points.

    Create Uniform State Sampler

    Load a probability occupancy grid into the MATLAB® workspace.


    Create an occupancy map from the input occupancy grid.

    map = occupancyMap(simpleMap);

    Define the lower and upper limits of the state space variables x, y, and theta from the occupancy map.

    x = map.XWorldLimits;
    y =  map.YWorldLimits;
    theta = [-pi pi];

    Create a state space SE(2) object using the specified state variables.

    stateSpace = stateSpaceSE2([x; y; theta]);

    Create a uniform state sampler to uniformly sample the specified state space.

    sampler = stateSamplerUniform(stateSpace); 

    Configure RRT Path Planner

    Check the validity of the states in the input state space by using a state validator.

    stateValidator = validatorOccupancyMap(stateSpace,Map=map); 

    Configure the RRT path planner. Use the uniform state sampler to sample the input state space.

    planner = plannerRRT(stateSpace,stateValidator,StateSampler=sampler); 

    Find Optimal Path Between Two States

    Specify the start point and the goal point in the input state space.

    start = [5 5 0];
    goal = [20 15 0]; 

    Compute the optimal path between the start point and the goal point using RRT path planner.

    [path,info] = plan(planner,start,goal);

    Visualize the Results

    Display the occupancy map.

    hold on

    Plot the start point and the goal point. Specify the default color and line properties for plotting the start and goal points by using the plannerLineSpec.start and plannerLineSpec.goal functions, respectively


    Plot the search tree to visualize the states explored to find the optimal path. Use the plannerLineSpec.tree function to specify the default color and line properties for plotting the search tree.


    If the planner has found an optimal path between the start and goal states, plot the results. Use the plannerLineSpec.path function to specify the default color and line properties for plotting the path.

    if info.IsPathFound
        disp("Path not found. Try modifying the planner parameters."); 

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Occupancy Grid, xlabel X [meters], ylabel Y [meters] contains 5 objects of type image, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Start, Goal, Tree, Path.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023b

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