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Shut down cloud cluster


shutdown(cluster) shuts down the cluster immediately.


shutdown(MJScluster,'At',D) shuts down the cluster at the time specified by the datetime, datenum, or datevec D. D is interpreted in the local time zone of the MATLAB® client unless D is a datetime with a non-empty TimeZone property.


shutdown(MJScluster,'After',event) shuts down the cluster after the specified event event has occurred. event can be 'never' or 'idle'. A cluster is 'idle' immediately when there are no running jobs, queued jobs, or running pools. The cluster is eligible for shutdown if 'idle' for more than 5 minutes, and is guaranteed to shut down within 60 minutes.


shutdown(MJScluster,'After',numhours) shuts down the cluster after numhours hours, as measured from the time the method is called.



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Specify date and time to terminate a cluster using a datetime. If the datetime has an empty TimeZone property, the datetime is interpreted in the local time zone of the MATLAB client.


Input Arguments

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MATLAB Parallel Server for Cloud Center cluster, specified as cluster object created using parcluster.

Example: shutdown(cluster);

MATLAB Parallel Server for Cloud Center cluster, specified as cluster object created using parcluster.

Example: shutdown(MJScluster);

Date and time, specified as a datetime, datenum, or datevec. D is interpreted in the local time zone of the MATLAB client unless D is a datetime with a non-empty TimeZone property.

Example: shutdown(MJSCluster,'At',datetime(2017,2,22,19,0,0,'TimeZone','local'));

Event to shut down the cluster, specified as 'never' or 'idle'. A cluster is 'idle' immediately when there are no running jobs, queued jobs, or running pools. The cluster is eligible for shutdown if 'idle' for more than 5 minutes, and is guaranteed to shut down within 60 minutes.

Example: shutdown(MJSCluster,'After','idle');

Number of hours after which the cluster shuts down, specified as scalar, measured from the time you call shutdown.

Example: shutdown(MJSCluster,'After',10);

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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