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Display locations of scatterers on bicyclist


plot(bicyclist) displays the positions of all scatterers on a bicyclist at the current time. To display the current position of the bicyclist, call the plot object function after calling the move object function. Calling plot before any call to move displays the bicyclist at the origin.


fhndl = plot(bicyclist) returns the figure handle of the display window.

fhndl = plot(bicyclist,'Parent',ax) also specifies the plot axes for the bicyclist plot.


collapse all

Compute the backscattered radar signal from a bicyclist moving along the x-axis at 5 m/s away from a radar. Assume that the radar is located at the origin. The radar transmits an LFM signal at 24 GHz with a 300 MHz bandwidth. A signal is reflected at the moment the bicyclist starts to move and then one second later.

Initialize Bicyclist, Waveform, and Propagation Channel Objects

Initialize the backscatterBicyclist, phased.LinearFMWaveform, and phased.FreeSpace objects. Assume a 300 MHz sampling frequency. The initial position of the bicyclist lies on the x-axis 30 meters from the radar.

bw = 300e6;
fs = bw;
fc = 24e9;
radarpos = [0;0;0];
bpos = [30;0;0];
bicyclist = backscatterBicyclist( ...
    'OperatingFrequency',fc,'NumWheelSpokes',15, ...
    'InitialPosition',bpos,'Speed',5.0, ...
lfmwav = phased.LinearFMWaveform( ...
    'SampleRate',fs, ...
sig = lfmwav();
chan = phased.FreeSpace( ...
    'OperatingFrequency',fc, ...
    'SampleRate',fs, ...

Plot Initial Bicyclist Position

Using the move object function, obtain the initial scatterer positions, velocities and the orientation of the bicyclist. Plot the initial position of the bicyclist. The dt argument of the move object function determines that the next call to move returns the bicyclist state of motion dt seconds later.

dt = 1.0;
[bpos,bvel,bax] = move(bicyclist,dt,0);

Figure Bicyclist Trajectory contains an axes object. The axes object with title Bicyclist Trajectory, xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains a line object which displays its values using only markers.

Obtain First Reflected Signal

Propagate the signal to all scatterers and obtain the cumulative reflected return signal.

N = getNumScatterers(bicyclist);
sigtrns = chan(repmat(sig,1,N),radarpos,bpos,[0;0;0],bvel);
[rngs,ang] = rangeangle(radarpos,bpos,bax);
y0 = reflect(bicyclist,sigtrns,ang);

Plot Bicyclist Position After Position Update

After the bicyclist has moved, obtain the scatterer positions and velocities and then move the bicycle along its trajectory for another second.

[bpos,bvel,bax] = move(bicyclist,dt,0);

Figure Bicyclist Trajectory contains an axes object. The axes object with title Bicyclist Trajectory, xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains a line object which displays its values using only markers.

Obtain Second Reflected Signal

Propagate the signal to all scatterers at their new positions and obtain the cumulative reflected return signal.

sigtrns = chan(repmat(sig,1,N),radarpos,bpos,[0;0;0],bvel);
[~,ang] = rangeangle(radarpos,bpos,bax);
y1 = reflect(bicyclist,sigtrns,ang);

Match Filter Reflected Signals

Match filter the reflected signals and plot them together.

mfsig = getMatchedFilter(lfmwav);
nsamp = length(mfsig);
mf = phased.MatchedFilter('Coefficients',mfsig);
ymf = mf([y0 y1]);
fdelay = (nsamp-1)/fs;
t = (0:size(ymf,1)-1)/fs - fdelay;
c = physconst('LightSpeed');
ylim([-200 -50])
xlabel('Range (m)')
ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
ax = axis;
legend('First pulse','Second pulse')

Figure Bicyclist Trajectory contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Range (m), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent First pulse, Second pulse.

Compute the difference in range between the maxima of the two pulses.

[maxy,idx] = max(abs(ymf));
dpeaks = t(1,idx(2)) - t(1,idx(1));
drng = c*dpeaks/2
drng = 

The range difference is 5 m, as expected given the bicyclist speed.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Bicyclist, specified as a backscatterBicyclist object.

Plot axes, specified as an axes handle.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

collapse all

Figure handle of plot window.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b