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Configure radarTransceiver transmit and receive antennas

Since R2023b


    configureAntennas(transc,pol,sensor) configures the sensor of the radarTransceiver System object™ transc. pol is the sensor polarization. sensor can be either an antenna element object or a sensor array object in the Phased Array System Toolbox™. The function changes the Polarization properties of the underlying phased.Radiator and phased.Collector System objects to the value of pol. An example of an element is the phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement System object. An example of an array is the phased.ULA System object. This syntax assumes that the same sensor is used for both transmission and reception.


    configureAntennas(transc,pol,sensortx,sensorrx) configures the transmit sensor sensortx and the receive sensor sensorrx. sensortx and sensorrx are either antenna element objects or sensor array object.


    transc = configureAntennas(___) also outputs the configured radar transceiver transc.


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    Create a radarTransceiver System™ object with one sensor. Specify the transmit-receive sensor as a uniform linear array (ULA) containing horizontally-polarized short-dipole elements.

    rdr = radarTransceiver;
    element = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement;
    ula = phased.ULA('Element',element);

    Configure the radarTransceiver to have combined polarization.

    rdr = configureAntennas(rdr,'Combined',ula);

    The function creates both phased.radiator and phased.collector System™ objects. Show that the Polarization property of the arrays is 'Combined'.

      phased.Radiator with properties:
                        Sensor: [1x1 phased.ULA]
              PropagationSpeed: 299792458
            OperatingFrequency: 300000000
        CombineRadiatedSignals: true
             SensorGainMeasure: 'dB'
                  Polarization: 'Combined'
              WeightsInputPort: false
      phased.Collector with properties:
                    Sensor: [1x1 phased.ULA]
          PropagationSpeed: 299792458
        OperatingFrequency: 300000000
                 Wavefront: 'Plane'
         SensorGainMeasure: 'dB'
              Polarization: 'Combined'
          WeightsInputPort: false

    Create a radarTransceiver object with combined polarization. Specify the transmit sensor as a uniform linear array (ULA) containing horizontally polarized short-dipole elements. Specify the receive sensor as a ULA containing polarized short-dipole elements tilted at a 45 angle.

    Create the radar transceiver arrays.

    rdr = radarTransceiver;
    elementTx = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement;
    elementRx = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement(AxisDirection = 'Custom', ...
         CustomAxisDirection = roty(45)*[0;0;1]);
    ulaTx = phased.ULA('Element',elementTx);
    ulaRx = phased.ULA('Element',elementRx);

    Examine the Polarization properties of the transmit and receive arrays before calling configureAntennas.

    ans = 
      phased.Radiator with properties:
                        Sensor: [1x1 phased.ULA]
              PropagationSpeed: 299792458
            OperatingFrequency: 300000000
        CombineRadiatedSignals: true
             SensorGainMeasure: 'dB'
                  Polarization: 'None'
              WeightsInputPort: false
    ans = 
      phased.Collector with properties:
                    Sensor: [1x1 phased.ULA]
          PropagationSpeed: 299792458
        OperatingFrequency: 300000000
                 Wavefront: 'Plane'
         SensorGainMeasure: 'dB'
              Polarization: 'None'
          WeightsInputPort: false

    Examine the Polarization properties of the transmit and receive arrays after calling configureAntennas.

    rdr = configureAntennas(rdr,'Combined',ulaTx,ulaRx);
    ans = 
      phased.Radiator with properties:
                        Sensor: [1x1 phased.ULA]
              PropagationSpeed: 299792458
            OperatingFrequency: 300000000
        CombineRadiatedSignals: true
             SensorGainMeasure: 'dB'
                  Polarization: 'Combined'
              WeightsInputPort: false
    ans = 
      phased.Collector with properties:
                    Sensor: [1x1 phased.ULA]
          PropagationSpeed: 299792458
        OperatingFrequency: 300000000
                 Wavefront: 'Plane'
         SensorGainMeasure: 'dB'
              Polarization: 'Combined'
          WeightsInputPort: false

    The Polarization property has switched from 'None' to 'Combined'.

    Input Arguments

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    Radar transceiver, specified as a radarTransceiver System object.

    Transceiver polarization, specified as 'None' or 'Combined'.

    Example: 'Combined'

    Data Types: char | string

    Sensor, specified as a sensor array or an antenna element System objects in the Phased Array System Toolbox or Antenna Toolbox™. Examples of sensors include phased.ULA or phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement System objects.

    Sensor, specified as a sensor array object or an antenna element object in the Phased Array System Toolbox or Antenna Toolbox. Examples of sensors include phased.ULA or phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement.

    Sensor, specified as a sensor array object or an antenna element object in the Phased Array System Toolbox or Antenna Toolbox. Examples of sensors include phased.ULA or phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement System objects.

    Output Arguments

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    Modified radar transceiver, returned as a radarTransceiver object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023b

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