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Convert slant range to ground range projection

Since R2021a


    grndrng = slant2grndrange(slrng,grazang) returns the ground range projection grndrng corresponding to the slant range slrng and grazing angle grazang.



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    Determine the ground range projection given a slant range of 2000 m and a grazing angle of 30.

    slantrng = 2000;
    grazang = 30;

    Compute the ground range projection.

    grndrng = slant2grndrange(slantrng,grazang)
    grndrng = 

    Compute the ground range projection for a target having a slant range of 1000 m from a sensor. The sensor is mounted on a platform that is 300 m above ground. Assume the Earth is flat.

    gang = grazingang(300,1000);  % Grazing angle
    depang = gang;                % Depression angle
    grndrng = slant2grndrange(1000,gang)
    grndrng = 

    Repeat the computation, but now assume the Earth is curved.

    Rearth = physconst('earthradius');
    gangsph = grazingang(300,1000,'Curved',Rearth);      % Grazing angle
    depangsph = depressionang(300,1000,'Curved',Rearth); % Depression angle
    tgtHeight = 0;                                       % Smooth Earth
    Re = effearthradius(1000,300,tgtHeight);             % Effective Earth radius
    grndrngcurved = Re*deg2rad(depangsph-gangsph)
    grndrngcurved = 

    Input Arguments

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    Slant range in meters, specified as a positive real scalar or vector.

    Data Types: double

    Grazing angle in degrees, specified as a scalar in the range [0, 90].

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

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    Ground range projection in meters, returned as a positive real scalar or vector. grndrng has the same dimensionality as slrng.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a

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