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Return true if rational fit output is passive at all frequencies


result = ispassive(fit) determines if the rational fit input, fit is passive at all frequencies (0,Inf).


[result,maxfreq,maxvalue] = ispassive(fit) determines if the rational fit input, fit is passive at all frequencies (0,Inf).


collapse all

Read the file, passive.s2p and fit the 2-by-2 S-parameters.

S = sparameters('passive.s2p');
fit = rationalfit(S);

Test the passivity of the 2-by-2 fit.

ans = logical

Plot the passivity of the 2-by-2 fit.

passivity(fit,[1e9 40e9])

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Fit not passive, max norm(H) is 1+1.79e-02 at 17.7 GHz, xlabel Frequency (GHz), ylabel norm(H) contains 4 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Input Arguments

collapse all

Rational fit object, specified as an N-by-N array of a rational or rationalfit object.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Result of passivity test of the rfmodel.rational object, returned as true or false. The result tells you if the fit can result in unstable simulations.

Frequency at which norm(H) is equal to maximum value, returned as a scalar in hertz.

Maximum norm(H) over frequencies (0,Inf), returned as a scalar.

Version History

Introduced in R2010a

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