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Encode map environment using basis point set encoder

Since R2024a


    encodedValues = encode(bpsObj,environment) encodes a 2D or 3D environment using basis point sets computed by the bpsEncoder object.


    [encodedValues,nearestPoints] = encode(bpsObj,environment) additionally returns the nearest object point for each basis point. The object points are points that are located on the occupied areas in the input map environment.



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    Load an example map into the workspace, and use it to create an occupancy map with a resolution of 10 cells/meter.

    map = occupancyMap(simpleMap,10);

    Specify the basis point set arrangement for encoding as "rectangular-grid".

    arrangement = "rectangular-grid";

    Specify the encoding size as [10 10]. Therefore, the number of basis points returned for encoding the map environment will be 100.

    encodingSize = [10 10];

    Specify the dimensions of the rectangular grid. For correct results, the dimensions of the rectangular grid must be approximately same as that of the input environment.

    xLims = map.XLocalLimits;
    yLims = map.YLocalLimits;
    dims = [(xLims(2) - xLims(1)) (yLims(2) - yLims(1))];

    Specify the center of the map as the center of the rectangular grid.

    center = [sum(xLims)/2 sum(yLims)/2];

    Create a basis point set encoder using bpsEncoder object. This object computes the basis points and stores them in the Points property.

    bpsObj= bpsEncoder(arrangement,encodingSize,Center=center,Dimensions=dims);
    basisPoints = bpsObj.Points;

    Encode the input 2D map environment by using the encode function.

    [encodedValues,nearestPoint] = encode(bpsObj,map);

    Display the map and the basis points along with its nearest object points.

    hold on
    scatter(basisPoints(:,1),basisPoints(:,2),"filled",DisplayName="Basis Points")
           nearestPoint(:,2)-basisPoints(:,2),0,Color='black',DisplayName='Nearest points')

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Occupancy Grid, xlabel X [meters], ylabel Y [meters] contains 3 objects of type image, scatter, quiver. These objects represent Basis Points, Nearest points.

    Create a 3-D environment with obstacles by using collision geometry objects such as collisionBox.

    center = [0 0 0];
    sph1 = collisionSphere(.1);
    loc1 = [0 0 0] + center;
    sph1.Pose = se3([0 0 0],"eul","XYZ",loc1);
    mesh1 = collisionMesh(rand(10,3));
    loc2 = [1 0 0] + center;
    mesh1.Pose = se3([pi/4 0 0],"eul","XYZ",loc2);
    box1 = collisionBox(.5,.5,.5);
    loc3 = [0 0 1] + center;
    box1.Pose = se3([0 0 0],"eul","XYZ",loc3);
    cylinder1 = collisionCylinder(.2,.5);
    loc4 = [0 0 -1] + center;
    cylinder1.Pose = se3([0 pi/4 0],"eul","XYZ",loc4);
    capsule1 = collisionCapsule(.2,.5);
    loc5 = [0 1.5 0] + center;
    capsule1.Pose = se3([0 0 pi/2],"eul","XYZ",loc5);
    simpleGeom = {sph1,mesh1,box1,cylinder1,capsule1};

    Plot the 3-D environment.

    grid on;
    hold on;
    for i=1:length(simpleGeom)

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 5 objects of type patch.

    Convert the collision geometry objects to a geometry mesh structure.

    meshArray = geom2struct(simpleGeom);

    Compute truncated signed distance field (TSDF) map to get voxel-based representation of the 3D environment.

    meshTSDFObj = meshtsdf(meshArray,FillInterior=true,Resolution=20)
    meshTSDFObj = 
      meshtsdf with properties:
                    MeshID: [5x1 double]
                   NumMesh: 5
                 MapLimits: [2x3 double]
            NumActiveVoxel: 14997
                Resolution: 20
        TruncationDistance: 0.1500
              FillInterior: 1

    Encode the TSDF map using the basis point set approach.

    arrangement = "uniform-ball-3d";
    encodingSize = 100;
    bpsObj= bpsEncoder(arrangement,encodingSize,Center=[0 0 0],Radius=2);
    basisPoints = bpsObj.Points;
    [encoding, nearestPts] = encode(bpsObj,meshTSDFObj);

    Display the basis points and the nearest object points that represent the obstacles in the environment.

    nearestSpec = plannerLineSpec.state(Color='#A2142F',MarkerFaceColor='#A2142F',MarkerEdgeColor='#A2142F');
    legend('','','','','','Basis points','Nearest object points',Location="southoutside")

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 8 objects of type patch, line, quiver. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Basis points, Nearest object points.

    Create a random environment with spherical obstacles.

    Specify the number of spherical obstacles to add as 10. Set the range for randomly computing the radius and position values of the spheres.

    numSpheres = 10;
    radRange = [.2 1];
    posRange = [0 5];
    collisionSpheres = cell(1,numSpheres);
    spheres = zeros(4,numSpheres);
    for i=1:numSpheres
        % Compute radius
        randomRad = (radRange(2)-radRange(1))*rand(1) + radRange(1);
        % Compute position
        randomPos = arrayfun(@(~)(posRange(2)-posRange(1))*rand(1) + posRange(1),1:3);
        % Create random sphere
        sph = collisionSphere(randomRad);
        % Convert coordinates to homogeneous transformation matrix
        sph.Pose = trvec2tform(randomPos);
        % Obtain and store its 3D vertices
        collisionSpheres{i} = sph;
        % Store its radius and position values
        spheres(:,i) = [randomRad;randomPos'];

    Display the environment containing spherical obstacles using a helper function.

    hold on;
    hold off

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x, ylabel y contains 10 objects of type patch.

    Create a basis point set encoder object for a "uniform-ball-3d" arrangement by specifying the encoding size, radius, and center.

    bpsObj = bpsEncoder("uniform-ball-3d",200,Radius=5,Center=[2.5 2.5 2.5]);

    Encode the environment.

    [encoding,nearestPoint] = encode(bpsObj,spheres);

    Display results.

    hold on;
    basis = bpsObj.Points;
    plot3(basis(:,1), basis(:,2),basis(:,3), plannerLineSpec.state{:}, DisplayName='Basis Points')
    nearestSpec = plannerLineSpec.state(Color='#A2142F', MarkerFaceColor='#A2142F', MarkerEdgeColor='#A2142F');
    plot3(nearestPoint(:,1), nearestPoint(:,2), nearestPoint(:,3), nearestSpec{:}, DisplayName="nearest obstacles");
    quiver3(basis(:,1), basis(:,2),basis(:,3), nearestPoint(:,1)-basis(:,1), ...
       nearestPoint(:,2)-basis(:,2), nearestPoint(:,3)-basis(:,3),0, Color='black')
    hold off

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x, ylabel y contains 13 objects of type patch, line, quiver. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Basis Points, nearest obstacles.

    Helper function to display the environment

    function helperDisplay(collisionSpheres)
    grid on;
    hold on;
    numSpheres = width(collisionSpheres);
    for i=1:numSpheres
        % Show mesh

    Input Arguments

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    Basis point set encoder, specified as a bpsEncoder object.

    Input environment to be encoded, specified as a occupancyMap (Navigation Toolbox), binaryOccupancyMap (Navigation Toolbox), meshtsdf (Navigation Toolbox) object, or a 4-by-M matrix representing spherical obstacles in a 3-D environment. Each column in the matrix is of the form [r; x; y; z]. r is the radius of the sphere and [x y z] denote the center of the sphere. M is the number of spherical obstacles in the input environment.

    Output Arguments

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    Distance from each basis point to its nearest object point, returned as a N-by-1 vector.

    N is the number of basis points. This value is determined by the EncodingSize property of the BPS encoder object. The distance values provide a compact representation of the input map environment for motion planning with deep learning approaches such as the motion planning networks (MPNet) and deep-learning-based Covariant Hamiltonian Optimization for Motion Planning (CHOMP).

    For information about MPNet, see Get Started with Motion Planning Networks (Navigation Toolbox). For information about deep-learning-based CHOMP, see dlCHOMP.

    Data Types: double

    Nearest object points of each basis point, returned as a N-by-1 vector. Nearest object points are the points on the occupied areas (obstacles) in the input environment.

    Data Types: double

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

    See Also

    | (Navigation Toolbox) | (Navigation Toolbox) |

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