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Launch and Set Up URSim

URSim for E Series

  1. Navigate to the URSim install folder and launch the URSim using shell script with the preferred cobot model. For example, to launch the URSim with Universal Robots UR10 cobot, execute the following command in the Linux® terminal from the installation folder of URSim:

    >> ./ UR10


    For each model of universal robots, you have a different programs folder. Hence ensure that you launch the URSim with the cobot model for which you have configured the URCap.

  2. Click the LED indicator at the bottom left corner of the window and then click the power-on button to turn on the cobot.

  3. Load the program with External Control URCap node.

URSim for CB3 Series

  1. Navigate to the URSim install folder and launch the URSim using shell script with preferred cobot model. For example, to launch the URSim with Universal Robots UR10 robot execute the following command in the Linux terminal from the installation folder of URSim:

    >> ./ UR10


    For each model of universal robots, you have a different programs folder. Hence ensure that you launch the URSim with the robot model for which you have configured the URCap.

  2. If a ‘No Controller’ warning message appears, open a new terminal from the installation folder of the URSim, and execute the following command.

    >> sudo ./

    This starts the required controllers and the robot state in the initialization screen of URSim should now be Normal.


    Ensure that at the time of closing the URSim, you also execute the ./ script with sudo permissions to stop the running controllers. If this step is not followed, it is observed that the running controllers may interfere with the next instance of simulation.

  3. Load the program with External Control URCap node.

    • Once the URSim is running, execute the following set of commands in Linux terminal launched from the catkin workspace where you have downloaded ROS packages from UR.

      >> source devel/setup.bash
      >> roslaunch roslaunch ur_robot_driver ur<ur model>_bringup.launch robot_ip:=

      Here ur model is 3,5,10,3e,5e,10e,or 16

    • Go to the URSim and start the program by clicking the Play button at the bottom of the window

    • Once the program is running, the ROS terminal should display a message that robot is ready to receive commands.

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