Use the ros2bagwriter
object to create a ROS 2 bag file in a
folder that you specify. Use the write
function to write logs to the ROS
2 bag file. Each log contains a topic, its corresponding timestamp, and a ROS 2 message. After
writing the logs to this ROS 2 bag file, call the delete
function to
close the opened ROS 2 bag file, which also generates the metadata
with .yaml
extension and removes the ros2bagwriter
from memory. You can see this metadata.yaml
file in the same folder where
the bag file is generated. The ros2bagwriter
object supports
(DB3) and MCAP storage format.
The ros2bagwriter
object locks the created ROS 2 bag file. to use the
ROS 2 bag file, delete and clear the ros2bagwriter
creates a ROS 2 bag file in the location specified by bagWriter
= ros2bagwriter(path
returns its corresponding ros2bagwriter
object. Use the object to write
records into the ROS 2 bag file. Use the path
input argument to set
the Path
The name of the ROS 2 bag file is the name of the folder containing it. If the folders
in path
are not available, the object creates them and places the ROS
2 bag file accordingly.
sets the StorageFormat,
CompressionFormat, CompressionMode,
StorageConfigurationProfile and StorageConfigurationFile properties using name-value arguments.bagWriter
= ros2bagwriter(path
You can use the StorageFormat
property to create the ROS 2 bag file in sqlite3
(DB3) and MCAP storage
SplitSize property enables you to set the maximum size of the bag files to a value which will split the bag files after the size of the logged data reaches the specified value. You can also set the maximum bag file duration using SplitDuration property which will split the bag files after reaching the specified elapsed time. If you specify both SplitSize and SplitDuration properties, the bag file will split at the first threshold. You can specify these options and enable compression. You can also create a compressed ROS 2 bag file with ZSTD compression format and write messages to it.
StorageConfigurationProfile property enables you to configure the
configuration profile used in writing messages to a ROS 2 bag file, when the StorageFormat
property is set to "mcap"
. You can then set this StorageConfigurationProfile to "custom"
and use the
StorageConfigurationFile property to configure MCAP writer with your own
customized settings, by proving the path to the .yaml
file. This
file contains the custom storage configuration profile of the
MCAP writer. For more information on how to write the .yaml
file, see
Write .yaml file
for MCAP storage format. The MCAP storage format supports only
compression mode for ROS 2 bag file.
For improved and faster performance, it is recommended to use the MCAP storage format when creating a ROS 2 bag file for writing messages to it.
— Path to ROS 2 bag folder
string scalar | character vector
This property becomes a read-only after creation of the object.
Path to the ROS 2 bag folder, specified as a string scalar or character vector.
Data Types: char
| string
— Earliest timestamp of messages written to ROS 2 bag file
nonnegative numeric scalar
This property is read-only.
Earliest timestamp of the messages written to the ROS 2 bag file, specified as a nonnegative numeric scalar in seconds.
Data Types: single
| double
— Latest timestamp of messages written to ROS 2 bag file
nonnegative numeric scalar
This property is read-only.
Latest timestamp of the messages written to the ROS 2 bag file, specified as a nonnegative numeric scalar in seconds.
Data Types: single
| double
— Number of messages written to ROS 2 bag file
nonnegative numeric scalar
This property is read-only.
Number of messages written to the ROS 2 bag file, specified as a nonnegative numeric scalar.
Data Types: single
| double
— Size of cache for writing messages to ROS 2 bag file
(default) | nonnegative integer
This property is read-only.
Size of the cache for writing messages to the ROS 2 bag file, specified as a positive integer in bytes. This value specifies the total size of the messages, that the buffer of the cache holds in the object. If you reduce this value, the object writes more messages to the disk, which consumes more time and decreases performance of the drive.
Data Types: uint64
— Storage format of ROS 2 bag file
| "mcap"
This property is read-only.
Storage format of the ROS 2 bag file, specified as "sqlite3"
Data Types: char
| string
— Configuration profile to write the messages into ROS 2 bag file
(default) | "fastwrite"
| "zstd_fast"
| "zstd_small"
| "custom"
Configuration profile to write the messages into ROS 2 bag file, specified as one of the following options:
– No configuration profile is in use."fastwrite"
– Configures the MCAP writer for the highest possible write throughput and lowest resource utilization."zstd_fast"
– Configures the MCAP writer to use chunk compression with"zstd"
compression. Chunk compression yields file sizes comparable to bags compressed with file-level compression, but allows tools to efficiently read messages without decompressing the entire bag. Chunk compression makes the file sizes about the same as if you compressed the whole bag file at once. However, it efficiently allows tools read individual messages quickly without needing to decompress the whole file."zstd_small"
– Configures the MCAP writer to write 4 MB chunks of message to the bag file, which are compressed using highest compression ratio of"zstd"
. This produces very small bags, but can be high on resource usage to write."custom"
– Configures MCAP writer with customized settings by providing the storage configuration file path.
To configure this property, set the StorageFormat property to "mcap"
Data Types: char
| string
— Configuration file path to customize settings to configure MCAP writer
Configuration file path to customize settings to configure MCAP writer, specified as
a .yaml
To configure this property, set the StorageConfigurationProfile property to
Data Types: char
| string
— Serialization format of messages in ROS 2 bag file
This property is read-only.
Serialization format of messages in the ROS 2 bag file, specified as
. This value is the default binary serialization format used
by Data Distribution Service (DDS), which is the default middleware of ROS 2.
Data Types: char
| string
— Size of ROS 2 bag file that act as threshold before splitting
(default) | nonzero positive numeric scalar
Size of the ROS 2 bag file which acts as a threshold value to enable splitting, specified as a nonzero positive numeric scalar in kilobytes (kB). The specified value must be greater than 84 kB.
For example, if SplitSize
is set to 100 kB, it creates a new
bag after the size of the logged data equals to 100 kB. The default value
writes data to a single file.
Data Types: double
| uint64
— Time elapsed in writing messages to bag file that act as threshold before splitting
(default) | positive numeric scalar | struct
Time elapsed in writing a message to a ROS 2 bag file, which acts as a threshold value to enable splitting, specified as one of these values:
Nonzero positive numeric scalar – Time elapsed in seconds.
Structure –
entity ofbuiltin_interfaces/Time
message types.
For example, if SplitDuration
is set to 5 seconds, it creates a
new bag after every 5 seconds of duration. The default value Inf
writes data to a single file.
Data Types: double
| uint64
| struct
— Compression format for creating ROS 2 bag file
(default) | "zstd"
Compression format for creating a ROS 2 bag file, specified as
or "zstd"
. To use no compression format,
set this CompressionFormat
property to "none"
. To
use the ZSTD compression format, set this property to "zstd"
and the
to "file"
Data Types: char
| string
— Compression mode for ROS 2 bag file
(default) | "file"
| "message"
Compression mode for a ROS 2 bag file, specified as "none"
or "message"
. To use no compression
format, set this property and the CompressionFormat
property to
. To use the ZSTD compression format, set the
property to "zstd"
and the
property to "file"
to compress
each bag file or "message"
to compress each message in the bag
Data Types: char
| string
Write Log Using ros2bagwriter
Object by Reading Messages from ROS 2 Bag File
Extract the ZIP file that contains the ROS 2 bag log file and specify the full path to the log folder.
unzip(""); folderPath = fullfile(pwd,"ros2_netwrk_bag");
Get all the information from the ROS 2 bag log file.
bag2info = ros2("bag","info",folderPath);
Create a ros2bagreader
object that contains all messages in the log file.
bag = ros2bagreader(folderPath); bag.AvailableTopics
ans=4×3 table
NumMessages MessageType MessageDefinition
___________ _____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
/clock 1.607e+05 rosgraph_msgs/Clock {'%↵% For more information, see↵builtin_interfaces/Time clock' }
/cmd_vel 3 geometry_msgs/Twist {'↵Vector3 linear↵Vector3 angular' }
/odom 5275 nav_msgs/Odometry {'% The pose in this message should be specified in the coordinate frame given by header.frame_id↵% The twist in this message should be specified in the coordinate frame given by the child_frame_id↵↵% Includes the frame id of the pose parent.↵std_msgs/Header header↵↵% Frame id the pose points to. The twist is in this coordinate frame.↵char child_frame_id↵↵% Estimated pose that is typically relative to a fixed world frame.↵geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance pose↵↵% Estimated linear and angular velocity relative to child_frame_id.↵geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovariance twist' }
/scan 892 sensor_msgs/LaserScan {'%↵% If you have another ranging device with different behavior (e.g. a sonar↵% array), please find or create a different message, since applications↵% will make fairly laser-specific assumptions about this data↵↵std_msgs/Header header % timestamp in the header is the acquisition Time of↵ % the first ray in the scan.↵ %↵ % in frame frame_id, angles are measured around↵ % the positive Z axis (counterclockwise, if Z is up)↵ % with zero angle being forward along the x axis↵↵single angle_min % start angle of the scan [rad]↵single angle_max % end angle of the scan [rad]↵single angle_increment % angular distance between measurements [rad]↵↵single time_increment % Time between measurements [seconds] - if your scanner↵ % is moving, this will be used in interpolating position↵ % of 3d points↵single scan_time % Time between scans [seconds]↵↵single range_min % minimum range value [m]↵single range_max % maximum range value [m]↵↵single[] ranges % range data [m]↵ % (Note: values < range_min or > range_max should be discarded)↵single[] intensities % intensity data [device-specific units]. If your↵ % device does not provide intensities, please leave↵ % the array empty.'}
Select a subset of the messages by applying filters to the topic and timestamp.
start = bag.StartTime; odomBagSel = select(bag,"Time",[start start+30],"Topic","/odom")
odomBagSel = ros2bagreader with properties: FilePath: 'C:\Users\echakrab\OneDrive - MathWorks\Documents\MATLAB\ExampleManager\echakrab.Bdoc23a.ROS2transform\ros-ex95368813\ros2_netwrk_bag\ros2_netwrk_bag.db3' StartTime: 1.6020e+09 EndTime: 1.6020e+09 AvailableTopics: [1×3 table] MessageList: [801×3 table] NumMessages: 801
Get the messages in the selection.
odomMsgs = readMessages(odomBagSel);
Retrieve the list of timestamps from the topic.
timestamps = odomBagSel.MessageList.Time;
Create a ros2bagwriter
object and a ROS 2 bag file in the specified folder.
bagWriter = ros2bagwriter("myRos2bag");
Write the messages related to the "/odom"
topic to the ROS 2 bag file.
Close the bag file, remove the ros2bagwriter
object from memory, and clear the associated object.
clear bagWriter
Load the new ROS 2 bag log file.
bagOdom = ros2bagreader("myRos2bag");
Retrieve messages from the ROS 2 bag log file.
msgs = readMessages(bagOdom);
Plot the coordinates for the messages in the ROS 2 bag log file.
To run the example again, remove the myRos2bag
file and the ros2_netwrk_bag
file from memory.
plot(cellfun(@(msg) msg.pose.pose.position.x,msgs),cellfun(@(msg) msg.twist.twist.angular.z,msgs))
Create Single Log and Write to ROS 2 Bag File
Create a ros2bagwriter
object and a ROS 2 bag file in the specified folder.
bagWriter = ros2bagwriter("myRos2bag");
Write a single log to the ROS 2 bag file.
topic = "/odom"; message = ros2message("nav_msgs/Odometry"); timestamp = ros2time(1.6170e+09); write(bagWriter,topic,timestamp,message)
Close the bag file, remove the ros2bagwriter
object from memory, and clear the associated object.
clear bagWriter
Create Multiple Logs and Write to ROS 2 Bag File
Create a ros2bagwriter
object and a ROS 2 bag file in the specified folder. Specify the cache size for each message.
bagWriter = ros2bagwriter("bag_files/my_bag_file",CacheSize=1500);
Write multiple logs to the ROS 2 bag file.
message1 = ros2message("nav_msgs/Odometry"); message2 = ros2message("geometry_msgs/Twist"); message3 = ros2message("sensor_msgs/Image"); write(bagWriter, ... ["/odom","cmd_vel","/camera/rgb/image_raw"], ... {ros2time(1.6160e+09),ros2time(1.6170e+09),ros2time(1.6180e+09)}, ... {message1,message2,message3})
Close the bag file, remove the ros2bagwriter
object from memory, and clear the associated object.
clear bagWriter
Create Multiple Logs for Same Topic and Write to ROS 2 Bag File
Create a ros2bagwriter
object and a ROS 2 bag file in the specified folder.
bagWriter = ros2bagwriter("myBag");
Write multiple logs for the same topic to the ROS 2 bag file.
pointMsg1 = ros2message("geometry_msgs/Point"); pointMsg2 = pointMsg1; pointMsg3 = pointMsg1; pointMsg1.x = 1; pointMsg2.x = 2; pointMsg3.x = 3; write(bagWriter, ... "/point", ... {1.6190e+09,1.6200e+09,1.6210e+09}, ... {pointMsg1,pointMsg2,pointMsg3})
Close the bag file, remove the ros2bagwriter
object from memory, and clear the associated object.
clear bagWriter
Write Multiple Logs to ROS 2 Bag File Using Split Options
Create a ros2bagwriter
object and multiple ROS 2 bag files in the specified folder. Specify the size for each bag file as 100 kB as a threshold for splitting using the SplitSize
property. This will split the bag file into chunks of 100 kB each.
bagWriter1 = ros2bagwriter("new_bag_files/bag_split_size",SplitSize=100);
Create another ros2bagwriter
object and specify a duration of 60 seconds using the SplitDuration
property, before the bag splits. This will split the bag file into 60-second chunks each.
bagWriter2 = ros2bagwriter("new_bag_files/bag_split_duration",SplitDuration=60);
Write multiple logs to the ROS 2 bag files.
msg1 = ros2message("nav_msgs/Odometry"); msg2 = ros2message("geometry_msgs/Twist"); msg3 = ros2message("sensor_msgs/Image"); msgTime1 = ros2time(1.6160e+09); msgTime2 = ros2time(1.6170e+09); msgTime3 = ros2time(1.6180e+09); for i=1:100 msgTime1.sec = msgTime1.sec+1; msgTime2.sec = msgTime1.sec+1; msgTime3.sec = msgTime2.sec+1; write(bagWriter1, ... ["/odom","cmd_vel","/camera/rgb/image_raw"], ... {msgTime1,msgTime2,msgTime3}, ... {msg1,msg2,msg3}) write(bagWriter2, ... ["/odom","/camera/rgb/image_raw"], ... {msgTime1,msgTime2}, ... {msg1,msg2}) end
Close the bag files, remove the ros2bagwriter
objects from memory, and clear the associated objects.
delete(bagWriter1) delete(bagWriter2) clear bagWriter1 clear bagWriter2
Write Multiple Logs to ROS 2 Bag File Using Compression Options
Create a ros2bagwriter
object and a ROS 2 bag file in the specified folder. Specify the compression format as zstd
and compression mode as file
bagWriter1 = ros2bagwriter("new_bag_files/bag_file_compressed", ... CompressionFormat="zstd",CompressionMode="file");
Create another ros2bagwriter
object and a ROS 2 bag file in the specified folder. Specify the compression format as zstd
and compression mode as message
bagWriter2 = ros2bagwriter("new_bag_files/bag_message_compressed", ... CompressionFormat="zstd",CompressionMode="message");
Write multiple logs to the ROS 2 bag files.
msg1 = ros2message("nav_msgs/Odometry"); msg2 = ros2message("geometry_msgs/Twist"); msg3 = ros2message("sensor_msgs/Image"); msgTime1 = ros2time(1.6160e+09); msgTime2 = ros2time(1.6170e+09); msgTime3 = ros2time(1.6180e+09); for i=1:100 msgTime1.sec = msgTime1.sec+1; msgTime2.sec = msgTime1.sec+1; msgTime3.sec = msgTime2.sec+1; write(bagWriter1, ... ["/odom","cmd_vel","/camera/rgb/image_raw"], ... {msgTime1,msgTime2,msgTime3}, ... {msg1,msg2,msg3}) write(bagWriter2, ... ["/odom","/camera/rgb/image_raw"], ... {msgTime1,msgTime2}, ... {msg1,msg2}) end
Close the bag files, remove the ros2bagwriter
objects from memory, and clear the associated objects.
delete(bagWriter1) delete(bagWriter2) clear bagWriter1 clear bagWriter2
Write Single Log to ROS 2 Bag File Using MCAP Storage Configuration
Create a ros2bagwriter
object by configuring MCAP storage format.
bagWriter = ros2bagwriter("myRos2MCAPbag","StorageFormat","mcap", ... "StorageConfigurationProfile","fastwrite");
Write a single log to the ROS 2 bag file.
topic = "/odom"; msg = ros2message("nav_msgs/Odometry"); timeStamp = ros2time(1.6170e+09); write(bagWriter,topic,timeStamp,msg);
Close the bag files, remove the ros2bagwriter
object from memory, and clear the associated objects.
clear bagWriter
Write Log to ROS 2 Bag File Using Custom MCAP Storage Configuration
Create a ros2bagwriter
object using custom MCAP storage configuration profile. Set the path to the .yaml
file in by using StorageConfigurationFile
name-value argument to customize the settings to configure the MCAP writer.
bagWriter = ros2bagwriter("myRos2MCAPbag","StorageFormat","mcap", ... "StorageConfigurationProfile","custom", ... "StorageConfigurationFile","test_storage_config_file.yaml");
Write a single log to the ROS 2 bag file.
topic = "/odom"; msg = ros2message("nav_msgs/Odometry"); timeStamp = ros2time(1.6170e+09); write(bagWriter,topic,timeStamp,msg);
Close the bag files, remove the ros2bagwriter
object from memory, and clear the associated objects.
clear bagWriter
Version History
Introduced in R2022bR2024a: MCAP Storage Format Support
You can now write data into MCAP files.
R2023b: Enable bag splitting and write compressed ROS 2 messages to ROS 2 bag file
You can now write messages to a new ROS 2 bag file by using the
object with bag splitting by setting SplitSize in
kilobytes and SplitDuration in
You can also create a compressed ROS 2 bag file with ZSTD compression format and write messages to it.
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