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Configure Board Parameters and Enable MAT-File Logging

To save signals on an SD card, the target hardware details must be specified, and the MAT-file logging option must be selected.

  1. In your model window, open the Configuration Parameters dialog box, go to the Hardware Implementation pane, and select VEX V5 Robot Brain from the Hardware board list. Click Apply.

  2. Go to the Code Generation > Interface pane and expand Advanced Parameters.

  3. Select MAT-file logging.

  4. Select one of the options for the MAT-file variable name modifier:

    • rt_ (to add this prefix to the variable name in the MAT-file)

    • _rt (to add this suffix to the variable name in the MAT-file)

    • none (to use the variable name without any modification)

  5. Click Apply and then OK to close the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

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