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Run Model on VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain

You can prepare, configure, and run a model on your VEX® EDR V5 Robot Brain.

Supported Channels for Deployment

Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain supports deployment of the Simulink model over a USB connection to VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain or by using the wireless connectivity of the V5 Controller gamepad:

  • If USB A to Micro cable is connected between the host computer and VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain, the download and deployment of the model happens through this hardware connection. In this case, the support package uses the Communications Port (as displayed in the Device Manager) to deploy the code.

  • If the USB cable is not connected between the host computer and VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain, but V5 Controller is connected to the host computer using a USB cable, the deployment to VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain happens over wireless connection. In this case, the support package uses the VEX V5 Controller Port (as displayed in the Device Manager) to deploy the code.

    VEX V5 port


    To enable wireless deployment, ensure that the wireless connectivity between the V5 Robot Radio (connected to VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain) and V5 Controller gamepad is set up successfully. You can also verify the start of deployment using wireless connection in the Diagnostic Viewer, which displays a corresponding warning.


    For details about how to pair V5 Controller to the V5 Robot Brain, refer to this link.

Prepare and Run the Model

  1. Create or open a Simulink model.

  2. Use File > Save As to create a working copy of your model. Keep the original model as a backup copy.

  3. In the Simulink model, open the Modeling tab, and click Model Settings.

  4. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, go to the Hardware Implementation pane, and set the Hardware board parameter to Vex V5 Robot Brain.

  5. Click Apply and then OK.

  6. Ensure that the hardware connection or wireless connectivity is completed as mentioned in Supported Channels for Deployment.

  7. In the Simulink model, open the Hardware tab, and click Build, Deploy & Start.

    This action automatically downloads and runs your model on the VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain.

A Simulink model that is deployed to VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain can be rerun multiple times. You can use the dashboard on VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain to select and run the programs (the models that are already deployed to the hardware).

You can deploy a maximum of eight Simulink models with unique names to VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain. Therefore, if you deploy a new Simulink model in addition to the existing eight models, the first model that you deployed to the VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain is removed to retain the maximum limit.

If you try to deploy a new Simulink model that has the same name as one of the models that is already deployed, then the corresponding binary file in the hardware is replaced with the new one.

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