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Fraction of files read

Since R2020a


fractionRead = progress(sds) returns the fraction of files read in the datastore as a normalized value in the range [0,1].



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Specify the path to a set of audio signals included as MAT-files with MATLAB®.

folder = fullfile(matlabroot,"toolbox","matlab","audiovideo");

Create a signal datastore that points to the specified folder and set sample rate variable name to Fs. List the names of the MAT-files in the datastore.

sds = signalDatastore(folder, ...
[~,c] = fileparts(sds.Files)
c = 7x1 cell
    {'chirp'   }
    {'gong'    }
    {'handel'  }
    {'mtlb'    }
    {'splat'   }
    {'train'   }

While the signal datastore has unread files, read consecutive files from the datastore. Use the progress function to monitor the fraction of files read.

while hasdata(sds)
    [data,info] = read(sds);
    fprintf("Fraction of files read: %.2f\n",progress(sds))
Fraction of files read: 0.14
Fraction of files read: 0.29
Fraction of files read: 0.43
Fraction of files read: 0.57
Fraction of files read: 0.71
Fraction of files read: 0.86
Fraction of files read: 1.00

Print and inspect the info structure returned by the last call to the read function.

info = struct with fields:
             SampleRate: 8192
       TimeVariableName: "Fs"
    SignalVariableNames: "y"
               FileName: "/mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2561-0/Bdoc24b.2679053/build/runnable/matlab/toolbox/matlab/audiovideo/train.mat"

Input Arguments

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Specify sds as an signalDatastore object.

Output Arguments

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Fraction of files read, returned as a normalized value in the range [0,1].

Data Types: double

Version History

Introduced in R2020a