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getparameters (kineticlaw)

Get specific parameters in kinetic law object


parameterObj = getparameters(kineticlawObj)
parameterObj = getparameters(kineticlawObj, ParameterVariablesValue)


kineticlawObjRetrieve parameters used by the kinetic law object.
ParameterVariablesValueRetrieve parameters used by the kinetic law object corresponding to the specified parameter in the ParameterVariables property of the kinetic law object. Specify a character vector, string scalar, string vector, or cell array of character vectors.


parameterObj = getparameters(kineticlawObj) returns the parameters used by the kinetic law object kineticlawObj to parameterObj.

parameterObj = getparameters(kineticlawObj, ParameterVariablesValue) returns the parameter in the ParameterVariableNames property that corresponds to the parameter specified in the ParameterVariables property of kineticlawObj, to parameterObj. ParameterVariablesValue is the name of the parameter as it appears in the ParameterVariables property of kineticlawObj. ParameterVariablesValue can be a character vector, string scalar, string vector, or cell array of character vectors.

If you change the name of a parameter, you must configure all applicable elements such as rules that use the parameter, any user-specified ReactionRate, or the kinetic law object property ParameterVariableNames. Use the method setparameter to configure ParameterVariableNames.


Create a model, add a reaction, and assign the ParameterVariableNames for the reaction rate equation.

  1. Create the model object, and then add a reaction object.

    modelObj = sbiomodel('my_model');
    reactionObj = addreaction(modelObj, 'a -> c + d');
  2. Create a kinetic law object for the reaction object, of the type 'Henri-Michaelis-Menten'.

    kineticlawObj = addkineticlaw(reactionObj, 'Henri-Michaelis-Menten');
  3. Add two parameter objects.

    parameterObj1 = addparameter(kineticlawObj,'Va');
    parameterObj2 = addparameter(kineticlawObj,'Ka');
  4. The 'Henri-Michaelis-Menten' kinetic law has two parameter variables (Vm and Km) that should to be set. To set these variables:

    setparameter(kineticlawObj,'Vm', 'Va');
    setparameter(kineticlawObj,'Km', 'Ka');
  5. To retrieve a parameter variable:

    parameterObj3 = getparameters(kineticlawObj, 'Vm')

    MATLAB returns:

    SimBiology Parameter Array
    Index:    Name:    Value:    ValueUnits:
      1         Va       1          
    parameterObj4 = getparameters (kineticlawObj, 'Km')

Version History

Introduced in R2006a

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