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setparameter (kineticlaw)

Specify specific parameters in kinetic law object


setparameter(kineticlawObj, 'ParameterVariablesValue', 'ParameterVariableNamesValue')


ParameterVariableValueSpecify the value of the parameter variable in the kinetic law object.
ParameterVariableNamesValueSpecify the parameter name with which to configure the parameter variable in the kinetic law object. Determines parameters in the ReactionRate equation.


Configure ParameterVariableNames in the kinetic law object.

setparameter(kineticlawObj, 'ParameterVariablesValue', 'ParameterVariableNamesValue') configures the ParameterVariableNames property of the kinetic law object (kineticlawObj). ParameterVariableValue corresponds to one of the character vectors in kineticlawObj ParameterVariables property. The corresponding element in the kineticlawObjParameterVariableNames property is configured to ParameterVariableNamesValue. For example, if ParameterVariables is {'Vm', 'Km'} and ParameterVariablesValue is specified as Vm, then the first element of the ParameterVariableNames cell array is configured to ParameterVariableNamesValue.


Create a model, add a reaction, and then assign the ParameterVariableNames for the reaction rate equation.

  1. Create the model object, and then add a reaction object.

    modelObj = sbiomodel('my_model');
    reactionObj = addreaction(modelObj, 'a -> c + d');
  2. Create a kinetic law object for the reaction object of the type 'Henri-Michaelis-Menten'.

    kineticlawObj = addkineticlaw(reactionObj, 'Henri-Michaelis-Menten');

    reactionObj KineticLaw property is configured to kineticlawObj.

  3. The 'Henri-Michaelis-Menten' kinetic law has two parameter variables (Vm and Km) that should be set. To set these variables:

    setparameter(kineticlawObj,'Vm', 'Va');
    setparameter(kineticlawObj,'Km', 'Ka');
  4. Verify that the parameter variables are correct.

    get (kineticlawObj, 'ParameterVariableNames')

    MATLAB® returns:

    ans = 
        'Va'    'Ka'

Version History

Introduced in R2006a

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