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General Amplifier

Model nonlinear amplifier described by object or file data

  • General Amplifier block

RF Blockset / Equivalent Baseband / Amplifiers


The General Amplifier block models the nonlinear amplifier described by a data source. The data source consists of either an RF Toolbox™ data ( object or data from a file.


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Data source that describes the amplifier behavior, specified as a Data file or an RFDATA object.

Name of file that contains the amplifier data, specified as a string or a character vector. The file name must include the extension. If the file is not in your MATLAB® path, specify the full path to the file or click the Browse button to find the file.


To enable this parameter, choose Data file in Data source.

RF data object that contains the amplifier data, specified as an RF Toolbox object, an RF toolbox command that creates the object, or a MATLAB expression that generates such an object.

Method to interpolate the network parameters, specified as one of the following:

LinearLinear interpolation
SplineCubic spline interpolation
CubicPiecewise cubic Hermite interpolation

Noise Data

Type of noise data, specified as one of the following:

  • Noise figure

  • Spot noise data

  • Noise factor

  • Noise temperature

This parameter is disabled if the data source contains noise data.

Available signal-to-noise ratio at the input to available signal-to-noise ratio at the output, specified as a scalar ratio or a vector of ratios.


To enable this parameter, select Noise figure in Noise type.

Minimum ratio of available signal-to-noise ratio at the input to available signal-to-noise ratio at the output, specified as a scalar ratio or a vector of ratios.


To enable this parameter, select Spot noise data in Noise type.

Optimal source impedance, specified as a complex scalar or a complex vector.


To enable this parameter, select Spot noise data in Noise type.

Normalized resistance values used to take noise measurement, specified as a positive scalar or a positive vector.


To enable this parameter, select Spot noise data in Noise type.

Ratio of available signal-to-noise power at the input to available signal-to-noise power at the output, specified as a scalar ratio or a vector of ratios.


To enable this parameter, select Noise factor in Noise type.

Equivalent temperature that produces the same amount of noise as the amplifier, specified as a nonnegative scalar in kelvins or nonnegative vector with each element unit in kelvins.


To enable this parameter, select Noise temperature in Noise type.

Domain of frequencies to express noise data, specified as a nonnegative scalar in hertz or nonnegative vector with each element unit in hertz. If you provide a scalar value for your noise data, the block ignores the Frequency (Hz) parameter and uses the same noise data for all frequencies. If you provide a vector of values for your noise data, it must be the same size as the vector of frequencies. The block uses the Interpolation method specified in the Main tab to interpolate noise data.

Nonlinearity Data

Type of third order intercept, specified as OIP3 (output intercept point) or IIP3 (input intercept point). This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power data or IP3 data.

IP3 value, specified as a scalar in dBm for frequency independent nonlinear data or a vector with each element unit in dBm for frequency dependent nonlinear data. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power data or IP3 data.

Output power value (P1dB,out) at which the gain has decreased by 1 dB, specified as a scalar in dBm for frequency independent nonlinear data or vector with each element unit in dBm for frequency dependent nonlinear data. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power data or IP3 data.

Output power value (Psat,out) that the amplifier produces when fully saturated, specified as a scalar in dBm for frequency independent nonlinear data or a vector with each element unit in dBm for frequency dependent nonlinear data. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains output saturation power data.

Decrease in gain value (GCsat) when the power is fully saturated, specified as a scalar in dB for frequency independent nonlinear data or a vector with each element unit in dB for frequency dependent nonlinear data.

Frequency points corresponding to third-order intercept or power data, specified as a positive scalar or positive vector in units of hertz. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power data or IP3 data.


  • If you specify the frequency as a scalar, then the IP3 (dBm), 1 dB gain compression power (dBm), and Output saturation power (dBm) parameters must all be scalars.

  • If you specify the frequency as a vector, then or more of the IP3 (dBm), 1 dB gain compression power (dBm), and Output saturation power (dBm) parameters must also be a vector.


Frequency data source, specified as Extracted from data source or User-specified.

Frequency data range, specified as a vector with each element unit in hertz.


To enable this parameter, set Source of frequency data to User specified.

Input power source, specified as Extracted from data source or User-specified. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power data.

Input power data range, specified as a vector with each element unit in dBm. This parameter is disabled if the data source contains power data.

Reference impedance, specified as a nonnegative scalar in ohms.

Type of data plot to visualize using the given data, specified as one of the following:

  • X-Y plane — Generate a Cartesian plot of the data versus frequency. To create linear, semilog, or log-log plots, set the Y-axis scale and X-axis scale accordingly.

  • Composite data — Plot the composite data. For more information, see Create Plots Using Equivalent Baseband Library Blocks.

  • Polar plane — Generate a polar plot of the data. The block plots only the range of data corresponding to the specified frequencies.

  • Z smith chart, Y smith chart, and ZY smith chart — Generate a Smith® chart. The block plots only the range of data corresponding to the specified frequencies.

Type of parameters to plot based on the Plot type you set, specified as one of the following.

Plot typeY parameter1
X-Y planeFor X-Y plane data plot, Y parameter1 varies based on Data source you select. For more information, see Parameters to plot in X-Y pane.
Composite dataNo Y parameter1 to set.
Polar planeS11, S12, S21, and S22
Z Smith chartS11 and S22.
Y Smith chartS11 and S22.
ZY smith chartS11 and S22.

Type of parameters to plot based on the Plot type you set, specified as one of the following.

Plot typeY parameter2
X-Y planeFor X-Y plane data plot, Y parameter2 varies based on Data source you select. For more information, see Parameters to plot in X-Y pane.
Composite dataNo Y parameter1 to set.
Polar planeS11, S12, S21, and S22
Z Smith chartS11 and S22.
Y Smith chartS11 and S22.
ZY smith chartS11 and S22.

Plot format, specified as one of the following.

Y parameter1Y format1
S11, S12, S21, S22, GammaIn, GammaOut, GammaOPT, TF1, TF2, TF3, GammaMS, GammaML, and Delta.dB, Magnitude (decibels), Abs, Mag, Magnitude (linear), Angle, Angle(degrees), Angle(radians), Real, Imag, and Imaginary.
GroupDelayns, us, ms, s, and ps.
AM/AM, VSWRIn, and VSWROut.dB, Magnitude (decibels), and None.
Pout, OIP3, and IIP3.dBm, dBW, W, and mW.
NF dB and Magnitude (decibels).
RN, NFactor, K, Mu, and MuPrime.None
Fmin, Gt, Ga, Gp, Gmag, and Gmsg.dB, Magnitude (decibels), and None.
Phase and AM/PMAngle, Angle(degrees) , and Angle(radians).


To enable Y format1, set Plot type to X-Y plane.

Plot format, specified as one of the following.

Y parameter2Y format2
S11, S12, S21, S22, GammaIn, GammaOut, GammaOPT, TF1, TF2, TF3, GammaMS, GammaML, and Delta.dB, Magnitude (decibels), Abs, Mag, Magnitude (linear), Angle, Angle(degrees), Angle(radians), Real, Imag, and Imaginary.
GroupDelayns, us, ms, s, and ps.
AM/AM, VSWRIn, and VSWROut.dB, Magnitude (decibels), and None.
Pout, OIP3, and IIP3.dBm, dBW, W, and mW.
NF dB and Magnitude (decibels).
RN, NFactor, K, Mu, and MuPrime.None
Fmin, Gt, Ga, Gp, Gmag, and Gmsg.dB, Magnitude (decibels), and None.
Phase and AM/PMAngle, Angle(degrees) , and Angle(radians).


To enable Y format2, set Plot type to X-Y plane.

Frequency plot, specified as Freq or AM.


To set X parameter to AM, you must set Y parameter1 to AM/AM or AM/PM.

Frequency plot format, specified as one of the following.

X parameterX format
FreqAuto, Hz, kHz, MHz, GHz, and THz.
AMMagnitude (decibels), Magnitude (linear), dB, Mag, and None.

Y-axis scale, specified as Linear or Log.


To enable this parameter, set Plot type to X-Y plane.

X-axis scale, specified as Linear or Log.


To enable this parameter, set Plot type to X-Y plane.

Plot specified data using the plot button.

Operating Conditions

Agilent® P2D and S2D files define block parameters for several operating conditions. Operating conditions are the independent parameter settings that are used when creating the file data. By default, RF Blockset™ Equivalent Baseband software defines the block behavior using the parameter values that correspond to the operating conditions that appear first in the file. To use other property values, you must select a different operating condition in the General Amplifier block dialog box.

Amplifier bias, specified as a scalar in volts. This parameter is set to 1.9 volts when the Data file is default.s2p.

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Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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