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Create new Simscape model populated by required and commonly used blocks




ssc_new creates a new Simscape™ model, with required and commonly used blocks already on the model canvas. The model uses the recommended solver VariableStepAuto with the absolute tolerance, AbsTol, set to 1e-3.

The function also turns on simulation data logging for the whole model, using the default workspace variable name simlog and limiting the logged simulation data to 10000 points. For more information, see Data Logging.

By default, the function uses the Simulink® default new model name untitled and the recommended solver VariableStepAuto.

ssc_new('modelname') creates a new Simscape model with the specified name.

ssc_new('modelname','domain') creates a new Simscape model with the specified name and with domain-specific blocks added to the model canvas. Valid domains types are 'electrical', 'gas','isothermal_liquid', 'magnetic', 'moist_air', 'rotational', 'translational', 'thermal', 'thermal_liquid', and 'two_phase_fluid'.

Using the ssc_new to create a model is equivalent to opening the corresponding Simscape template from the Simulink Start Page.


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To create a generic Simscape model, type:


The software creates a new untitled model, with the default solver set to VariableStepAuto. The model contains a Solver Configuration block, a Simulink-PS Converter block, and a PS-Simulink Converter block connected to a Scope block.

After using ssc_new, continue developing your model by copying the blocks, as needed, and adding other blocks from the Simscape libraries. Use the resources links at the bottom of the model window to open the main Simscape library and access documentation topics that help you get started.

To create a gas model, called pneumatic_actuator, type:


The software creates the following model.

After using ssc_new, continue developing your model by copying the blocks, as needed, and adding other blocks from the Simscape libraries. Use the resources links at the bottom of the model window to open the relevant block libraries and access documentation topics that help you get started.

Version History

Introduced in R2009a