Add line to Simulink model
adds a line in the model or subsystem h
= add_line(sys
that connects one
block's output port out
to another block's input port
. This syntax draws the most direct route from port to
port, for example, diagonal lines or lines that go through other blocks.
You can connect ports when:
The input port does not already have a connection.
The ports are compatible for connecting.
The ports are either both at the top level of the model hierarchy or both in the same model component, for example, in the same subsystem. To connect blocks in different components, use the
connects blocks, specifying whether to route the lines around other blocks.h
= add_line(sys
adds a line drawn by (x,y) coordinate h
= add_line(sys
relative to the
upper-left corner of the Simulink® Editor canvas before any canvas resizing. If either end of the line is
within five pixels of a corresponding port, the function connects the line to it.
The line can have multiple segments.
Connect Blocks Using Port Numbers
Create and open a new model.
Add and position a Constant block.
add_block('simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Constant','myModel/Constant'); set_param('myModel/Constant','position',[140,80,180,120]);
Add and position a Gain block.
add_block('simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Gain','myModel/Gain'); set_param('myModel/Gain','position',[220,80,260,120]);
Connect the output port of the Constant block to the input port of the Gain block. Since the Constant block only has one output port, the only port number you can specify for the Constant block is 1
. Since the Gain block only has one input port, the only port number you can specify for the Gain block is 1
Add and position a Scope block.
add_block('simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Scope','myModel/Scope'); set_param('myModel/Scope','position',[300,80,340,120]);
Change the number of input ports of the Scope block to 2
Connect the output port of the Gain block to the second input port of the Scope block. Since the Gain block only has one output port, the only port number you can specify for the Gain block is 1
. Since you want to connect to the second port of the Scope block, for the Scope block, specify the port number 2
Connect Blocks Using Port Handles
Open the example. Then, open the vdp
Delete the line that connects the masked Subsystem block named Mu
to the Sum block.
Get the port handles from the masked Subsystem block named Mu
and the Sum block.
h1 = get_param('vdp/Mu','PortHandles'); h2 = get_param('vdp/Sum','PortHandles')
h2 = struct with fields:
Inport: [324.0006 325.0006]
Outport: 326.0006
Enable: []
Trigger: []
State: []
LConn: []
RConn: []
Ifaction: []
Reset: []
Event: []
In the h2
structure, note the two handles for the Inport
Connect the Subsystem block named Mu
to the Gain block. Specify the ports to connect by indexing into the Inport
and Outport
properties of the port handles.
Add Branched Line
You can programmatically make a connection that branches an existing signal line. You can use the points
syntax to draw the segment, or you can draw the line by specifying the ports to connect. When using the ports, use automatic line routing to improve the layout of the branched line.
This example shows how to make a connection with a branched signal line using ports.
Open the example. Then, open the vdp
Add a Scope block to the vdp
add_block('simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Scope','vdp/Scope1');
Position the Scope block above the Outport block.
Connect the Integrator block named x1
to the Scope block named Scope1
The command branches the existing line from the Integrator block named x1
and connects it to the Scope block named Scope1
. With autorouting on, the resulting line is segmented.
Connect Blocks Using Port Coordinates
Open the example. Then, open the vdp
Delete the line that connects the masked Subsystem block named Mu
to the Sum block.
Get the port locations for the masked Subsystem block named Mu
. Mu
has two ports: one input port and one output port.
mu = get_param('vdp/Mu','PortConnectivity'); mu.Position
ans = 1×2
210 150
ans = 1×2
250 150
The first set of coordinates corresponds to the input block. The second set corresponds to the output block.
Get the port locations for the Sum block, which has three ports: two input ports and one output port.
s = get_param('vdp/Sum','PortConnectivity'); s.Position
ans = 1×2
310 135
ans = 1×2
310 150
ans = 1×2
345 145
The first set of coordinates corresponds to the upper input port, the second set corresponds to the lower input port, and the third corresponds to the output port.
To connect the masked Subsystem block named Mu
to the Sum block, specify the coordinates of the output port of the Subsystem block then the coordinates of the lower input port of the Sum block.
add_line('vdp',[250 150; 310 150])
Connect Blocks Using Autorouting Options
You can add lines with and without autorouting options.
Add Blocks to Model
Create a new model named myModel
Turn the HideAutomaticNames
parameter off.
Add two Subsystem blocks and a Gain block.
add_block('simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Subsystem','myModel/Subsystem1'); add_block('simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Subsystem','myModel/Subsystem2'); add_block('simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Gain','myModel/Gain');
Position the blocks such that the Gain block is between the two Subsystem blocks.
set_param('myModel/Subsystem1','position',[100 100 130 130]); set_param('myModel/Gain','position',[230,100,260,130]); set_param('myModel/Subsystem2','position',[360,100,390,130]);
Add an additional input port and output port to each Subsystem block.
add_block('simulink/Sources/In1','myModel/Subsystem1/In2'); add_block('simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Out1','myModel/Subsystem1/Out2'); add_block('simulink/Sources/In1','myModel/Subsystem2/In2'); add_block('simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Out1','myModel/Subsystem2/Out2');
Connect Blocks Without Autorouting
Add lines to connect the output ports of the Subsystem block named Subsystem1
to the input ports of the Subsystem block named Subsystem2
Connect Blocks With Autorouting
Delete the lines.
delete_line('myModel','Subsystem1/1','Subsystem2/1') delete_line('myModel','Subsystem1/2','Subsystem2/2')
Add the lines again using the smart
autorouting option. When you use an array to connect two sets of input and output ports, smart autorouting routes them together if doing so makes better use of the space.
Input Arguments
— Model or subsystem to add line to
character vector
Model or subsystem to add the line to, specified as a character vector.
Example: 'vdp'
Example: 'f14/Controller'
— Block output port to connect line from
block name/port number or name | port handle | array of port designators
Block output port to connect line from, specified as one of these values:
The block name, a slash, and the port number. For a state port, use the port name
instead of a port number.The port handle that you want to connect from.
An array of either of these port designators.
Use 'PortHandles'
with get_param
to get the handles.
Example: 'Mu/1'
Example: 'Subsystem/2'
Example: h.Outport(1)
Example: {'Subsystem/1','Subsystem/2'}
Most block ports are numbered from top to bottom or from left to right. For a description of the port order for various block orientations, see Identify Port Location on Rotated or Flipped Block.
Moving a port on a Subsystem block can change the port number. For more information, see Move Ports.
— Block input port to connect line to
block name/port number or name | port handle | array of port designators
Block input port to connect line to, specified as one of these values:
The block name, a slash, and the port number. Use a port name instead of a port number for these ports:
Enable port — Use
. For example, use this port name for the enable port on enabled subsystems.Trigger port — Use
. For example, use this port name for the trigger port on triggered subsystems.Action port — Use
. For example, use this port name for the action port on if-action and switch-case-action subsystems.
The port handle that you want to add the line to.
An array of either of these port designators.
Use the 'PortHandles'
option with
to get handles.
Example: 'Mu/1'
Example: 'Subsystem/2'
Example: h.Inport(1)
Example: {'Subsystem/1','Subsystem/2'}
Most block ports are numbered from top to bottom or from left to right. For a description of the port order for various block orientations, see Identify Port Location on Rotated or Flipped Block.
Moving a port on a Subsystem block can change the port number. For more information, see Move Ports.
— Type of automatic line routing
(default) | 'on'
| 'smart'
Type of automatic line routing around other blocks, specified as:
for no automatic line routing'on'
for automatic line routing'smart'
for automatic line routing that takes the best advantage of the blank spaces on the canvas and avoids overlapping other lines and labels
— Points of the line to draw
Points of the line to draw, specified as at least a 2-by-2 matrix. Add a row for every segment you want to draw. Specify points as (x,y) coordinates from the upper-left corner of the Editor before any canvas resizing.
Example: [100 300; 200 300; 200 300; 200
Output Arguments
— Line
Line created by add_line
, returned as a
Version History
Introduced before R2006a
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