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Control Scope block appearance and behavior


Scope configuration properties control the appearance and behavior of a scope block. Create a scope configuration object with get_param, and then change property values using the object with dot notation.


myScopeConfiguration = get_param(gcbh,'ScopeConfiguration') creates a scope configuration object for the selected scope block.


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Title on a scope window, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Size and location of scope window, specified as a four-element vector consisting of the left, bottom, width, and height positions, in pixels.

By default, a scope window appears in the center of your screen with a width of 560 pixels and height of 420 pixels.

Set this property to true to make the scope window visible.

Set this property to true to open the scope when the simulation starts.

Set this property to true to display the full path of the scope relative to the model on top of the scope window. If you set this property to false, only the name of the scope block appears on top of the scope window.

Set this property to true to maintain the background color of the scope and the signal colors while copying the scope to clipboard. When you paste this scope to a document or print this scope, the colors are retained. If you set this property to false and copy the scope to clipboard, colors change to a toner friendly version when you paste or print the scope.

Number of input ports on a scope block, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The maximum number of input ports is 96.

Number of display rows and columns, specified with as a two-element vector. The maximum layout dimension is 16-by-16.

  • If the number of displays is equal to the number of ports, signals from each port appear on separate displays.

  • If the number of displays is less than the number of ports, signals from additional ports appear on the last y-axis.

Time interval between Scope block updates during a simulation, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This property does not apply to floating scopes and scope viewers.

Set this property to true to process signals as frame-based.

  • false — Process signal values in a channel at each time interval (sample based).

  • true — Process signal values in a channel as a group of values from multiple time intervals (frame based). Frame-based processing is available only with discrete input signals.

Specify whether or not to maximize the size of signal plots:

  • 'Auto' — If Title and YLabel are not specified, maximize all plots.

  • 'On' — Maximize all plots. Values in Title and YLabel are hidden.

  • 'Off' — Do not maximize plots.

Each of the plots expands to fit the full display. Maximizing the size of signal plots removes the background area around the plots.

Set this property to true to hide the menu and toolbar.

If you dock the scope, this property is inactive.

How to scale y-axes, specified as one of these values:

  • 'Manual' — Manually scale y-axes with the Scale Y-axis Limits button.

  • 'Auto' — Scale y-axes during and after simulation.

  • 'Updates' — Scale y-axes after specified number of block updates (time intervals).


If this property is set to 'Updates', also specify the property AxesScalingNumUpdates

Number of updates before scaling y-axes, specified as a character vector or string scalar.


Activate this property by setting AxesScaling to 'Updates'.

Length of x-axis range to display, specified as one of these values:

  • Positive real number — Any value less than the total simulation time specified as a character vector or string scalar.

  • 'Auto' — Difference between the simulation start and stop times.

The block calculates the beginning and end times of the x-axis range using the TimeDisplayOffset and TimeSpan properties. For example, if you set TimeDisplay to 10 and the TimeSpan to 20, the scope sets the x-axis range from 10 to 30.

How to display data beyond the visible x-axis range, specified as one of these values:

  • 'Wrap' — Draw a full screen of data from left to right, clear the screen, and then restart drawing of data.

  • 'Scroll' — Move data to the left as new data is drawn on the right. This mode is graphically intensive and can affect run-time performance.

You can see the effects of this option only when plotting is slow with large models or small step sizes.

Units to display on the x-axis, specified as one of these values:

  • 'Metric' — Display time units based on the length of the TimeSpan property.

  • 'None' — Display Time on the x-axis.

  • 'Seconds' — Display Time (seconds) on the x-axis.

x-axis range offset number, specified as a character vector or string scalar. For input signals with multiple channels, enter a scalar or vector of offsets.

  • Scalar — Offset all channels of an input signal by the same value.

  • Vector — Independently offset the channels.

How x-axis labels display, specified as one of these values:

  • 'All' — Display x-axis labels on all displays.

  • 'Bottom' — Display x-axis labels only on the bottom display.

  • 'None' — Do not display labels and deactivate ShowTimeAxisLabel property.


Set the ActiveDisplay property before specifying this property.

Set ShowTimeAxisLabel to true and set Maximize axes to 'Off'.

Set this property to true to display the x-axis labels.


Set the ActiveDisplay property before setting this property.

If this property is set to true, also set TimeAxisLabels. If TimeAxisLabels is set to 'None', this property is inactive.

Display for setting display-specific properties, specified as a character vector or string. The number of a display corresponds to its column-wise placement index. For multi-column layouts, the displays are numbered down and then across.


Setting this property selects the display for setting the properties ShowGrid, ShowLegend, Title, PlotAsMagnitudePhase, YLabel, and YLimits.

Title for a display, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The default value %<SignalLabel> uses the input signal name for the title.


Set the ActiveDisplay property before setting this property.

Set this property to true to display the legend.

Names listed in the legend are the signal names from the model. For signals with multiple channels, a channel index is appended after the signal name. See the Scope block reference for an example.


Set the ActiveDisplay property before setting this property.

Set this property to true to display vertical and horizontal grid lines.


Set the ActiveDisplay property before setting this property.

Specify whether or not to display the magnitude and phase plots:

  • false — Display signal plot.

    If the signal is complex, plot the real and imaginary parts on the same y-axis (display).

  • true — Display magnitude and phase plots.

    If the signal is real, plot the absolute value of the signal for the magnitude. The phase is 0 degrees for positive values and 180 degrees for negative values.


Set the ActiveDisplay property before setting this property.

Minimum and maximum values of y-axis, specified as a two-element numeric vector.


Set the ActiveDisplay property before setting this property.

When PlotAsMagnitudePhase is true, this property specifies the y-axis limits for the magnitude plot. The y-axis limits of the phase plot are always [-180 180].

y-axis label for active display, specified as a character vector or string scalar.


Set the ActiveDisplay property before setting this property.

If PlotAsMagnitudePhase is true, the value of YLabel is hidden and plots are labeled Magnitude and Phase.

Set this property to true to save scope data to a variable in the MATLAB® workspace.

This property does not apply to floating scopes and scope viewers.


If this property is set to true, you must also specify the properties DataLoggingVariableName and DataLoggingSaveFormat.

Variable name for saving scope data in the MATLAB workspace, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This property does not apply to floating scopes and scope viewers.


Activate this property by setting DataLogging to true.

Set to true to limit buffered data before plotting and saving data.

For simulations with Stop time set to inf, always set this parameter to true.


If this property is set to true, also specify the number of data values to plot and save with the property DataLoggingMaxPoints.

Maximum number of data values to plot and save, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The data values that are plotted and saved are from the end of a simulation. For example, setting this property to 100 saves the last 100 data points.


Activate this property by setting DataLoggingLimitDataPoints to true. Specifying this property limits the data values a scope plots and the data values saved in the MATLAB variable specified in DataLoggingVariableName.

Set this property to true to reduce scope data before plotting and saving.


If this property is set to true, you must also specify the DataLoggingDecimation property.

Decimation factor applied to the signal data before plotting and saving, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The scope buffers every Nth data point, where N is the decimation factor you specify. A value of 1 buffers all data values.


Activate this property by setting DataLoggingDecimateData to true.

Variable format for saving scope data to the MATLAB workspace, specified as one of these values:

  • 'Dataset' — Save data as a dataset object. This format does not support variable-size data, MAT-file logging, or external mode archiving. See Simulink.SimulationData.Dataset.

  • 'StructureWithTime' — Save data as a structure with associated time information. This format does not support single- or multiport frame-based data, or multirate data.

  • 'Structure' — Save data as a structure. This format does not support multirate data.

  • 'Array' — Save data as an array with associated time information. This format does not support multiport sample-based data, single- or multiport frame-based data, variable-size data, or multirate data.

This property does not apply to floating scopes and scope viewers.


Activate this property by setting DataLogging to true.


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This example creates a scope configuration object using the 'vdp' model which models the van der Pol equation.

myScopeConfiguration = get_param('vdp/Scope','ScopeConfiguration');
myScopeConfiguration.NumInputPorts = '2';

Version History

Introduced in R2013a

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