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Detect Division by Zero

Check ID: mathworks.sldv.divbyzero

Detects division-by-zero errors in your model


This check identifies operations in your model that cause division-by-zero errors.

Following the recommendations of this check increases the likelihood of generating MISRA C:2012 compliant code for embedded applications, as well as code that complies with the CERT C, CWE, ISO/IEC TS 17961 standards.

Results and Recommended Actions

ResultRecommended Action
Failed, model incompatible

Resolve the model incompatibility. See

Also see Handle Incompatibilities with Automatic Stubbing (Simulink Design Verifier).

Division by zero found in model

To view the conditions that cause the division by zero, create a harness model. When you simulate the harness, the inputs replicate the error. Click View test case in the Model Advisor report.

See Also