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Real-Time Application and Target Computer Modes

At startup, the Speedgoat® target machine (target computer) boots the QNX® Neutrino® RTOS. After the boot process is complete, you can deploy a real-time application to the target computer and run the application in one of these target computer modes:

  • Connected mode — To put the target computer into connected mode, toggle the Disconnected / Connected selection on the Simulink® Editor Real-Time tab. When the target computer is connected, the Real-Time tab buttons, Simulink Real-Time™ Explorer, and the Target Computer Manager provide interfaces to the target computer and real-time application. In the figure, the connected mode is represented by the physical connection between the development computer and target computer plus the logical connection between Simulink Real-Time software and the target computer.

  • External mode — To run the real-time application into external mode, deploy the application to the target computer in the connected mode, and then on the Simulink Editor Real-Time tab select Run on Target > Connect Model. When the target computer is connected and the application is connected to the model, the model provides an interface to interact with the application. In the figure, the external mode is represented by the physical connection between the development computer and target computer plus the logical connection between Simulink Real-Time software and the target computer plus the logical connection between the model on the development computer and the real-time application on the target computer.

  • Standalone mode — To operate the target computer in the standalone mode, control the real-time application by using the command-line interface from the target computer keyboard (console) or by using the command-line interface through an SSH utility (for example PuTTY) on the development computer. In the figure, the standalone mode is represented by the physical connection between the development computer and the target computer. You use this connection if controlling the target computer remotely instead of using the target computer keyboard.


Do not use the model interface and Simulink Real-Time Explorer at the same time to control the real-time application.

Physical Connections and Logical Connections

Simulink Real-Time Modes

Simulink Real-Time establishes a logical connection to target computer and a logical connection between the model on the development computer and the real-time application on the target computer. Simulink Real-Time uses the Ethernet cable for physical connection

The model on the development computer provides an interface to control the real-time application in model connected mode on the target computer in external mode simulation.

Simulink Real-Time establishes a logical connection to target computer and uses the Ethernet cable for physical connection.

The development computer and target computer operate in target connected mode. You can control the target computer by using the Simulink Real-Time Explorer or MATLAB® commands.

An Ethernet cable provides physical connection between development computer and target computer.

The target computer operates in standalone mode. You can control the target computer by using the target computer keyboard (console) or by using PuTTY to send commands from a computer that does not have MATLAB installed.

There is no physical or logical connection between development computer and target computers.

The target computer operates in standalone mode. You can control the target computer by using the target computer keyboard (console).

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