Electromagnetic converter with ohmic and magnetic flux losses
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Electrical /
The Winding block represents an electromagnetic converter with winding resistance and leakage reluctance. You can use this block as a base component for building custom transformers. For an ideal electromagnetic converter, see the Electromagnetic Converter.
When you apply a positive current across the electrical ports of the block, a positive magnetomotive force (MMF) is induced across the magnetic terminals.
ℱ is the MMF across the magnetic terminals of the block
N is the number of winding turns
i is the current through the winding
When you apply a positive time-varying flux across the magnetic terminals of the block, a negative voltage is induced across the electrical terminals of the block.
φ is the flux through the magnetic terminals of the block
i is the current through the electrical terminals of the block
ℛl is the leakage reluctance
Rw is the winding resistance
ℱ is the magnetomotive force across the magnetic terminals of the block
v is the voltage drop across the electrical terminals of the block
This figure shows the equivalent circuit for the block.
In the diagram, φmp corresponds to the main-path flux and φ to the total flux. You can set the initial condition for the total flux in the block's Variables tab.
To model a fault in the Winding block, in the Faults section, click the Add fault hyperlink in the parameter that corresponds to the specific fault that you want to model. When the Create Fault window opens, you use it to specify the fault properties. For more information about fault modeling, see Fault Behavior Modeling and Fault Triggering.
Instantaneous changes in the winding parameters are unphysical. Therefore, when the Winding block enters the faulted state, short-circuit and open-circuit voltages transition to their faulted values over a period of time based on this formula:
) · sech
/ τ)
∆t is time since the onset of the fault condition.
τ is user-defined time constant associated with the fault transition.
For short-circuit faults, the conductance of the short-circuit path also changes
according to the sech
(∆t / τ) function from a small value
(representing an open-circuit path) to a large value.
The block can trigger the start of fault transition:
At a specific time.
After voltage exceeds the maximum permissible value a certain number of times.
When current exceeds the maximum permissible value for longer than a specific time interval.
If you want to trigger a fault at a specific time, in the
Fault Inspector window, set Trigger type to
. If you want to determine whether a system fails and, if
so, when it fails, in the Fault Inspector window, set Trigger
type to Behavioral
If you select the behavioral trigger, the component fails as soon as one of the trigger conditions is true.
Faultable windings often require that you use the fixed-step local solver, especially if your model transitions to a faulted state that includes short circuits. For more information, see Making Optimal Solver Choices for Physical Simulation.
To set the priority and initial target values for the block variables before simulation, use the Initial Targets section in the block dialog box or Property Inspector. For more information, see Set Priority and Initial Target for Block Variables.
Use nominal values to specify the expected magnitude of a variable in a model. Using system scaling based on nominal values increases the simulation robustness. Nominal values can come from different sources. One of these sources is the Nominal Values section in the block dialog box or Property Inspector. For more information, see System Scaling by Nominal Values.