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Visualize text data and models using word clouds and text scatter plots

Text Analytics Toolbox™ provides algorithms and visualizations for preprocessing, analyzing, and modeling text data. Visualize large collections of text data using word frequency counts and LDA models using word clouds. Explore word embeddings using text scatter plots.


wordcloudCreate word cloud chart from text, bag-of-words model, bag-of-n-grams model, or LDA model
textscatter2-D scatter plot of text
textscatter33-D scatter plot of text
sentenceChartPlot grammatical dependency parse tree of sentence (Since R2022b)
wordCloudCountsCount words for word cloud creation


TextScatter PropertiesControl text scatter chart appearance and behavior
DependencyChart PropertiesGrammatical dependency chart (Since R2022b)


Text Visualization

Topic Modeling Visualization

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