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Use the MQTT API to update ThingSpeak™ channels

The ThingSpeak IoT platform enables clients to update and receive updates from channel feeds via the ThingSpeak MQTT broker. MQTT is a publish/subscribe communication protocol that uses TCP/IP sockets or WebSockets. MQTT over WebSockets can be secured with SSL. A client device connects to the MQTT broker and can publish to a channel or subscribe to updates from that channel.

To get started with the MQTT API, see: MQTT Basics. For client configuration information for your specific library, see MQTT library configuration.


Publish to a Channel FeedPublish message to update multiple channel fields simultaneously with MQTT
Publish to a Channel Field FeedPublish message to update single channel field with MQTT


Subscribe to a Channel FeedSubscribe to updates from channel feed with MQTT
Subscribe to a Channel Field FeedSubscribe to channel updates from specific field of channel with MQTT



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Troubleshoot MQTT Subscribe

Common mistakes and problem resolution for subscribing to ThingSpeak.

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