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OFDM information for DMG transmission


info = wlanDMGOFDMInfo returns info, a structure containing orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) information for the DMG-Data or DMG-Header fields in a directional multi-gigabit transmission.



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Get the OFDM information for the DMG-Data field and display the fast Fourier transform (FFT) length.

info = wlanDMGOFDMInfo;

Perform OFDM demodulation on the DMG-Data field, then extract the data and pilot subcarriers.

Generate a WLAN waveform for a DMG transmission, specifying the modulation and coding scheme (MCS).

cfg = wlanDMGConfig('MCS','15');
bits = [1; 0; 0; 1];
waveform = wlanWaveformGenerator(bits,cfg);

Obtain the field indices and extract the DMG-Data field.

ind = wlanFieldIndices(cfg);
rx = waveform(ind.DMGData(1):ind.DMGData(2),:);

Perform OFDM demodulation on the DMG-Data field.

sym = wlanDMGOFDMDemodulate(rx);

Get the OFDM information, then extract the data and pilot subcarriers.

info = wlanDMGOFDMInfo;
data = sym(info.DataIndices,:,:);
pilots =  sym(info.PilotIndices,:,:);

Output Arguments

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OFDM information, returned as a structure containing these fields.

NameValuesDescriptionData Types
FFTLengthPositive integerLength of the fast Fourier transform (FFT)double
SampleRatePositive scalarSample rate of the waveformdouble
CPLengthPositive integer

Cyclic prefix length, in samples

NumTonesNonnegative integer

Number of active subcarriers

NumSubchannelsPositive integerNumber of 20 MHz subchannelsdouble
ActiveFrequencyIndicesColumn vector of integers in the interval [–FFTLength/2, (FFTLength/2 – 1)]Indices of active subcarriers. Each element of this field is the index of an active subcarrier, such that the direct current (DC) or null subcarrier is at the center of the frequency band.double
ActiveFFTIndicesColumn vector of integers in the interval [1, FFTLength]Indices of active subcarriers within the FFTdouble
DataIndicesColumn vector of integers in the interval [1, NumTones]Indices of data within the active subcarriersdouble
PilotIndicesColumn vector of integers in the interval [1, NumTones]Indices of pilots within the active subcarriersdouble

Data Types: struct

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

See Also



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