System Requirements - MATLAB & Simulink

MATLAB and Simulink Training

System Requirements

Online Training

Online training works best in a Windows environment.

Instructor-Led Online

  • MathWorks provides desktop and audio conferencing, virtual machines for product access, and secure online material access through our ematerial platform.
  • Computer: A primary computer (laptop or desktop) with a stable “high speed” internet connection is required.
    • Professional-grade or home computers are adequate. 
    • Tablets (e.g., iPads) should not be used as primary computers. However, they may be used to access online material.
  • Monitor: A dual-monitor setup is highly recommended for ease of following class instruction, use of the software, and access to ematerials.
  • Phone: Landline and computer audio calls are supported for the voice portion of the training. Use of a headset with a microphone or speaker is recommended.
  • Sound: Windows-supported stereo sound card with speakers
  • Browser: HTML5-friendly browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) with JavaScript enabled
  • Virtual lab: Remote Desktop Protocol is recommended for a more seamless experience.

Advantages of Virtual MATLAB Training


  • Browsers should conform to the same compatibility standards as MATLAB Online

Training at Your Facility

Because our courses make extensive use of hands-on examples, PCs or workstations are required. The operating system should be consistent throughout the facility, and be supported by the latest version of MATLAB. Before the first day of the course, please install the trial software provided to you for the course. Each computer should have a DVD drive or USB port, or be networked for installation.

If you have questions or concerns about these requirements, please note them when requesting training. MathWorks will work with you to accommodate your needs without affecting the quality of the course.

General Requirements

The following equipment should be available for attendees:

  • PCs or workstations
  • Consistent operating system that supports the latest version of MATLAB
  • DVD drive or USB port
  • Trial MathWorks software provided for the course installed

The following equipment should be available for the instructor:

  • Electrical outlet
  • A computer projector with a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768 and lumens of 2000 or greater (If a projector is not available, MathWorks can supply one at no additional cost.)

Some features require the use of a C compiler. See the list of supported compilers.

Training Course Information

Request Training

Expert instructors can tailor onsite training sessions to meet your organizational needs.