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Not enough input arguments?

2 views (last 30 days)
Ahmed Fadhil Hassoney
Ahmed Fadhil Hassoney on 10 Nov 2013
Commented: Azzi Abdelmalek on 10 Nov 2013
i have signal in the workspace i want to pass it to the imbedded matlab function block in the simulink.i set the properties of signal from workspace block as sample rate 1 and sample per frame is also 1, so in the case the exact signal in the workspace will be as input to the embedded matlab function block (am i right?)
when i run the simulink i dont get the output and when i run function m file i got the error that "Not enough input arguments"
Notice: when i run the code in matlab command window its running correctly but cant run in the matlab function in the simulink. also the input signal is already uploaded to the workspace.
any help please

Answers (1)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 10 Nov 2013
You can't run a Matlab function, read about functions at this link
I don't know how you set the [from workspace] block, try this:
In Matlab windows command, type
ts=0.1 % sample time
t=0:ts:10 % time vector
y=sin(t)% your signal
If t and y are vector column, set the parameter data of [from workspace] block to
[t y]
Ahmed Fadhil Hassoney
Ahmed Fadhil Hassoney on 10 Nov 2013
I run the matlab function in the simulink using "embedded matlab function block", also i have used block "signal from workspace" to call the input signal and set the parameters in the block "double click on the block"
any suggestion plz help
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 10 Nov 2013
how did you set the parameters ?

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