How do I fix a mat2file error?

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Audreyana Jagger
Audreyana Jagger on 22 Nov 2013
Edited: Walter Roberson on 22 Nov 2013
When I am trying to run a module within SPM batch in MATLAB, I keep getting this error message
Running 'Create new template'
Failed 'Create new template'
Error using mat2file
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch (2).
In file "C:\Users\Kibby\Documents\MATLAB\@file_array\subsasgn.m" (v4136), function "subfun" at line 132.
In file "C:\Users\Kibby\Documents\MATLAB\@file_array\subsasgn.m" (v4136), function "subsasgn" at line 70.
In file "C:\Users\Kibby\Documents\MATLAB\@nifti\subsasgn.m" (v4136), function "fun" at line 74.
In file "C:\Users\Kibby\Documents\MATLAB\@nifti\subsasgn.m" (v4136), function "subsasgn" at line 20.
In file "C:\Users\Kibby\Documents\MATLAB\toolbox\TOM8\cg_tom8.m" (v7), function "cg_tom8" at line 363.
In file "C:\Users\Kibby\Documents\MATLAB\toolbox\TOM8\tbx_cfg_tom8.m" (v7), function "@(job)cg_tom8('create',job)" at line 416.
The following modules did not run:
Failed: Create new template
I have gone back through my processing steps investigating each module that was created in order to run the "Create New Template" module, and they seem fine. I have installed a new MATLAB (R2012b) from the old R2010bSP1 hoping that would fix the issue since I saw this as a possible solution before, in MATLAB answers. However, none of my trouble shooting so far as solved the issue. I can not continue any further in my pre-processing until I can solve this problem.

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