Recurrent problem: Matlab(R2013a) stopped working?!

1 view (last 30 days)
All my Matlab windows close after this message.
This is happening often these days.
I am running programs which finally generate some plots with set(gcf,'Visible',on);
My system configuration:i5 processor, 2 cores, Windows 7 64-bit,
Any help appreciated.
SreeHarish Muppirisetty
SreeHarish Muppirisetty on 24 Jan 2014
Hi Mihir
1. Yes.
2. All I did was, produce 10s of 2-d plots and subplots.
3. it is reproducible, and I started working on Linux station and set(gcf,'Visible','off'); which is working perfect without crashing anymore.
For windows, I haven't tried if this set(gcf,'Visible','on') would make it work.,
My windows station was running only Matlab that time, there was no other significant burdensome task running, as far as I am aware of.
It's been a while, (~1 month) since I stopped working on my Windows station.
SreeHarish Muppirisetty
SreeHarish Muppirisetty on 30 Jan 2014
Matlab R2013a on Windows 7 (both 64 bit) closing down after the message 'Matlab stopped working'. Closing is happening very randomly on may events including even if I just scroll down my script file.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 30 Jan 2014

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