What's the mean of "axes(handles.axes1) " in GUI plot ?

5 views (last 30 days)
When plotting in GUI, I see someones have the line: axes(handles.axes1); What does that line mean ? Could I skip that line ? thanks very much.

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 23 Dec 2013
It means that the current axes should be set to axes1. Anything you do like title(), xlabel(), ylabel(), plot(), bar(), legend() or whatever, will now be applied to axes1 (unless you explicitly pass a different axes into the function which would override the default current axes).
Nguyen Trong Nhan
Nguyen Trong Nhan on 23 Dec 2013
Edited: Image Analyst on 23 Dec 2013
I create a poup menu have 3 thing: qua trinh dang ap, qua trinh dang tich, qua trinh dang nhiet. Its tag is cycle. if I write: get(handles.cycle,'string'); It don't understand and can't get the string from popup menu. I see on the internet, they write:
contents = get(handles.cycle,'String');
cyclevalue = contents{get(handles.quatrinh,'Value')};
Why I have to do that to get string from popup menu ? thanks
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 23 Dec 2013
That should work. What is the value of contents? Is it null? Or do you get an error? If so, what is the error?

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