Fitness Function In the PSO algorithm

4 views (last 30 days)
Maria on 15 May 2014
Answered: Walter Roberson on 31 Dec 2018
My problem it is about PSO with PID controller , i just tried to tune PID parameters with PSO for tracking circular path as input (input is circular path ) with desired velocity = 0.25 [meter/sec] and desired azimuth given by = (2 * 3.14 * f(t)/m) rad , with m = -40 where m is the slop, f(t)=t , 0=t=40 and sampling time = 0.01 sec . I wrote the code of PSO but it does not work , I think the problem is in the fitness function structure of PSO algorithm and I don't know what is the bugs in the code below ,the fitness function should compute the Mean Square Error , please I hope from you to help me .
In the picture below the desired input is a circular path with a above parameters and the actual output is should be as the desired input .
Many thanks
the fitness function that I wrote :
function F = FitnessFun(pid)
Kp1 = pid(1);
Ki1 = pid(2);
Kd1 = pid(3);
Kp2 = pid(4);
Ki2 = pid(5);
Kd2 = pid(6);
sprintf('The value of interation Kp= %3.0f, Kd= %3.0f', pid(1),pid(2),pid(3),pid(4),pid(5),pid(6));
% Compute function value
simopt = simset('solver','ode5','SrcWorkspace','Current','DstWorkspace','Current'); % Initialize sim options
[tout,xout,yout] = sim('sim1',[0 100],simopt);
for t=0.3:.3:2*pi
theta_d(n)=((2*pi)* t/m);
for k=1:20
Maria on 18 May 2014
Any one can answer ? please
Adityabaradwaj Sixth sem
Adityabaradwaj Sixth sem on 31 Dec 2018
Could you post the complete code?? I think there maybe an error in
subsequent lines of code.

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 31 Dec 2018
step requires a tf or genss as input, or else a system object of some kind such as aa cascade object detector.


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