How might I display two pointclouds in one plot?

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Hi, I have two pointcloud data files and I would like to overlay them for comparison, the data is loaded into a struct and I can display the pointclouds individually, but I need a little help to display both of them at the same time:
function h = showface(z,zoo)
% showsurf(Z)
% Draw Lambertian surface
% axes('ActivePositionProperty','position','position',[0 0 1 1]);
cla reset;
[x,y] = meshgrid(1:size(z,2),1:size(z,1))
%h = surface(x,y,flipud(z));
h = surface(fliplr(x),flipud(z),y);
axis on
axis equal
shading flat
%colormap white;
colormap hsv
li=light('position',[0 1 0]);
set(gca,'position',[0 0 1 1])
if nargin == 1
zoo = 3;

Answers (2)

Prashik Shende
Prashik Shende on 23 Sep 2020
You can use pcshowpair insted
pcshowpair(1st_point_cloud, 2nd_pointcloud)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Aug 2011
Remove the "cla reset" and use "hold on" after displaying the first of them.
You might also want to pass in a parameter that indicates an x or y offset to display the second cloud at. If you do that, you will probably want to revisit your logic about passing in the zoom (e.g., suppose you want an offset but want to default the zoom ?)


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