how to compute separate line 2 dimensional points

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hi all i have set of points and class + -1 i want to calculate the line i want to use 1. direct linear algebra (inverse matrix , cross product) 2. use gradient descent i dont want to use the svm function or quadratic programming
x=[ 1 2 ; 3 3 ; 4 5; 45 17 ; 33 20];
label=[ 1 ;1 ;1;-1 ;-1];
so how to calculate the line wx+b , i need w,b

Answers (6)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez on 17 Jun 2014
Once you have the plot, go to tools -> Basic fitting
select the data (1 or -1 in your case), linear and click in the bottom arrow to get the values of your parameters. You will see you can save to workspace.

Michael sch
Michael sch on 17 Jun 2014
but it fits to one of the set of points and not the seperate line !! , also i dont have the process for compute the line

Zikobrelli on 17 Jun 2014
Given X and Y, this function will give you your 'w' and 'b'
function [a b] = droite_reg(X,Y)
% Linear fitting
% Y = a + bX
n = length (Y);
sumY = sum(Y);
sumX = sum(X);
X2 = X.^2;sumX2 = sum(X2);
Y2 = Y.^2; sumY2 = sum(Y2);
XY = X.*Y; sumXY = sum(XY);
%slope estimation
a = (sumXY - ((sumX * sumY)/n))/ (sumX2 - ((sumX^2)/n));
% b estimation
b = (sumY/n)-(a.*(sumX/n));
% r^2
r2 = ((sumXY - ((sumX.*sumY)/n)).^2)/((sumX2-((sumX.^2)/n)).*(sumY2 - ((sumY.^2)/n)));
  1 Comment
Zikobrelli on 17 Jun 2014
To get your two sets of data differentiated, you can try something like:
hold on

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Michael sch
Michael sch on 17 Jun 2014
it seems you go in the correct answer but stil the line is not between alsow what is theory (article )
x=[ 1 2 ; 3 3 ; 4 5; 45 17 ; 33 20];
label=[ 1 ;1 ;1;-1 ;-1];
%w = label'*x;
[a b] = droite_reg(x(:,1),x(:,2))
yvec = b*xvec+a;
hold on;plot(xvec,yvec,'k-.');
yvec = a*xvec+b;
hold on;plot(xvec,yvec,'k-.');

Michael sch
Michael sch on 17 Jun 2014
i need to seperate plane like in svm and not like in the figure
Zikobrelli on 17 Jun 2014
You might want to look into nnd4pr or perceptron in the matlab help section.
There's a demo abt 2 inout classifiers

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Michael sch
Michael sch on 17 Jun 2014
as you see i need the black line and not the fit line


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