Error: Unexpected MATLAB expression. SYNTAX ERROR?!

3 views (last 30 days)
>> f=10:1:100000; % f is the frequency varying from 10 to 100000 in steps of 1hz
>> G=2483.71*(2pi*f*10)(2pi*f*100)*1018/(60.7*2pi*f*100)*10-9+1)(6.07*2pi*f*10*10-9+1);
>> faxis=0.000001*f;
>> plot(f axis,f,'w',f,G,'r')
xlabel('Frequency, rad/s'), ylabel('Gain, V/V')
title('Frequency Response Plots')
subplot(2,1,2), semilogx(w, phase)
xlabel('Frequency, rad/s'), ylabel('Phase, deg')
>> xlabel ('Frequency in Hz')
>> ylabel ('Voltage in volts')
>> text (6,6,'G(f)')
Error: Unexpected MATLAB expression.
Hey everyone, how are you? I have this code that WAS working not too long ago but when I come to simulate it, it doesn't wanna work and it spits out this error message. This is for a Bode plot Midband voltage amplifier circuit. I have checked my work and everything and it was working before but I don't see what I changed in it. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you :)

Accepted Answer

Marta Salas
Marta Salas on 18 Jun 2014
You need to checked carefully what you have written in the definition of G, I have spotted some * missing, there is also a missing bracket (bold one) that I can not figure out where it starts:
G=2483.71*(2 * pi*f*10) * (2 * pi*f*100)*1018/(60.7*2 * pi*f*100)*10-9+1 ) *(6.07*2*pi*f*10*10-9+1);

More Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 18 Jun 2014
Why doesn't the G= have a >> in front of it? Is it on the same line as the call to text()? Anyway, that line has for ( but 5 ) so there is a mismatch in the number pf parentheses. Fix that.
Sha Ka
Sha Ka on 18 Jun 2014
HEY it worked!!! Perfect! Wow thank you so much for all of your help! I appreciate it very much :D
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 18 Jun 2014
You're welcome. You can "thank" us by voting for our Answers.

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Pallavi on 18 Jun 2014
Please check this expression which says missing parenthesis.
(60.7*2pi*f*100)*10-9+1) is the problem area with no left parenthesis.


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