counting number of times commadn executed in while loop

2 views (last 30 days)
I am working on a problem where I need to know how many years it would take for interest being compounded annually to be twice the intial investment. for Initial investment of $1000, here is my code at a rate of 5%
FinalValue = Investment;
while FinalValue < 2*Investment;
FinalValue = FinalValue + Rate*FinalValue;
but I dont know how to assign numYears to the number of years (number of executions) of this loop.

Answers (1)

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford on 21 Jun 2014
FinalValue = Investment;
Count = 0;
while FinalValue < 2*Investment;
FinalValue = FinalValue + Rate*FinalValue;
Count = Count+1;
Rick on 21 Jun 2014
could you explain how that works? What is Count+1??
Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford on 21 Jun 2014
'Count' is a count of the number of times you have executed the line
FinalValue = FinalValue + Rate*FinalValue;
which is presumably the number of years you have accumulated interest in doubling your initial investment. It increases by one for each trip through the while-loop.

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