Event function for ODE solver with binary values

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Is there any reason why creating an event function which can only take values of 1 or 0 a bad idea? If so, why?
I ask because, as I understand it, the event function, by definition, should recognize when the variable "crosses" 0, but technically if the outputs of my function are only 1 or 0, then it would never "cross" zero. However, I have been doing this and so far I don't think I have found any issues, except one time where my example didn't work and I never understood why.
As an example, the event function that I am using is the following:
function [value,isterminal,direction] = zeroevents(t,x,D)
%The event function should also accept yp (or xp) for the ode15i solver
isterminal = 1;
direction = 0;
insideD = D(t,x);
value = 1-insideD;
Where D(t,x) is a piecewise function with the following structure:
function out1 = D(t,x)
if x >= something
out1 = 1.0;
out1 = 0.0;
I hope the question is clear enough.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 17 Sep 2021
Edited: Walter Roberson on 17 Sep 2021
It is not illegal, but it makes it more difficult to find the boundary.
In the case of x < something resulting in a 0 that is then effectively negated to get a termination request, another way of writing that would be
value = something - x;
Exception: this might not produce exactly the same behaviour right at x == something. In such a case, either adding or subtracting eps(realmin) would change the behaviour, depending which side you want the case to follow.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 Sep 2021
Each condition being or'd together can be written as a separate condition. For example,
out1 = 0;
if ((z5 <= z4) | (0.0 < z3)) & (z6 == 0.0))
out1 = 1;
if (((z4 < z5) & (z6 == 1.0)) & (z3 <= 0.0)))
out1 = 1;
and then break them up into separate locations:
out1 = ((z5 <= z4) | (0.0 < z3)) & (z6 == 0.0));
out2 = (((z4 < z5) & (z6 == 1.0)) & (z3 <= 0.0)));
And break again,
out1a = (z5 <= z4) & (z6 == 0.0);
out1b = (0.0 < z3) & (z6 == 0.0);
out2 = (((z4 < z5) & (z6 == 1.0)) & (z3 <= 0.0)));
But before I analyze more... is this the place where a 1 indicates that you do want to terminate, or where a 1 indicates that you do not want to terminate ?
Also, is z6 a binary variable? ode*() cannot handle binary variables -- not unless they are constant for the duration of the call (i.e., you have parameterized them into the function, paramfun )
Nicolas Mira Gebauer
Nicolas Mira Gebauer on 20 Sep 2021
Indeed, out1 = 1 would mean that I want to terminate, that's why value in zeroevents(t,x,D) is 1 - insideD.
Also, z6 can only be whether 1 or 0, but it's included in the equations of the system as diff(z6(t),t) = 0. Thus, it will be constant until an event is detected (then I will update the value after the event, but before restarting the simulation).

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