zero pad array to multiple of 8

1 view (last 30 days)
I have array of size A = 429x400, i wanted to pad that array to multiple of 8 such that it becomes A_padded = 432 x 400
Another example,
800 x 533 to 800 x 536
307 x 410 to 312 x 416

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 21 Sep 2021
A_padded = A;
new_rows = ceil(size(A,1)/8)*8;
new_cols = ceil(size(A,2)/8)*8;
if new_rows ~= size(A,1) || new_cols ~= size(A,2)
A_padded(new_rows, new_cols) = 0;

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